Facebook’s Dealership Success Guide

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Facebook Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Facebook is pushing hard to extend their influence, and now they are beginning to drill down to a more granular level with their business support. They recently released a guide specifically for automotive dealerships. The only problem is that it isn’t exactly advertised everywhere, so many people may have missed it. It’s nothing revolutionary, but if you are Marketing using Facebook, then it will definitely have a couple tips worth checking out for you.

To download the guide, you can follow the link here. Once there, you simply enter your company name, phone number, job title, and advertising budget. The guide is called Facebook’s 4 Steps to Dealership Success, and it is in the traditional ebook format.

While you may already have your Facebook plan in place, I recommend checking out this guide. After all the time we spend poking, prodding, probing and analyzing what works best on the social network, it’s interesting to read what THEY think is important.

So, what DOES Facebook think is important? Well, as any good marketer knows, they think it would be just a swell idea if you spent a good chunk of your advertising budget with them. The majority of the book, while genuinely helpful, is a value proposition for their paid services. It essentially walks you through the funnel of first getting ads that garner likes, then turning those ads into offers, and finally sponsoring stories.

Read the guide, I’d be curious to see how much of it is actually news to everyone.

If you want any additional help with your Facebook presence, Wikimotive is here for you. Contact us for a free evaluation.

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