How To Use Photos On Facebook For A Sucessful Social Media Campaign

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing Tagged: , , ,

Facebook has changed quite a lot over the years but there is one thing that always remains the same. While certain Facebook Marketing strategies may shift and change the one thing that always gets people interested are stories on a timeline or news feed that are told with images. Recent statistics from Facebook suggest that posts which include a photo generate 120% – 180% more engagement than a post only containing text. There are more than 250 million photos uploaded to Facebook everyday.

There are ways that you can market to the increasingly visually oriented users on Facebook other than just appending a generic photo onto your status updates. One prime example is a marketing strategy employed by Verizon Wireless on their Facebook. They managed to make a number of very effective and engaging posts each including three key ingredients; fan involvement, photos and product.

Verizon featured fan submitted photos for its cover photo, which were tagged with the fan’s profile, and the Verizon device used to capture the photo. Some of the photos included were quite beautiful and  helped to showcase their product as well as build better relationships with their fans.

Facebook’s newest ad opportunities all work to amplify stories, and the best way to maximize the effectiveness of those ads is to make sure you include compelling and engaging imagery. Marketing is no longer a field covered by multiple departments with separate and unique roles. Content managers, creative, and media planners have now been condensed into one role, the story planner. And the story planner’s best friend for advertising on Facebook is imagery.

Need help coming up with an effective Facebook Marketing strategy? Not getting enough engagement from your fans? Contact Wikimotive to for more information on how we can help you and your brand become a Facebook superstar.

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