Make Your Website Relevant With More Than Just Keywords

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Online Marketing Tagged: , , , , , , ,

We have all heard about the changing Google algorithms and claims that they “understand the world a bit more like people do.” If you haven’t and you run a website or a business please give us at Wikimotive a call, we have a lot to talk about. Many people in the industry have been panicking over these updates claiming that google is trying to make it impossible for you to “game the system” with SEO tactics, and that the new focus on quality search results is going to make SEO irrelevant. Let’s get one thing straight no matter how much Google updates and tweaks their algorithms, they are still algorithms and therefore, by definition, they can be predicted and optimized for.

In Google’s newest updates they have put the keyword into context, looking at the meaning behind the words rather than just the words themselves when serving search results. This sounds very scary to SEO’s who make their living cramming keywords onto a page and hoping it will rank. This will definitely not work anymore but it doesn’t mean all is lost. It’s very simple, if Google is looking for the meaning behind keyword searches and trying to put the words into context, what do you think you should do to rank better?

If context is everything then you need to show Google that the page you want to rank for doesn’t just include certain keywords but is also relevant to the topic that those keywords refer to. Yes, this involves a little bit more brain power when it comes to writing, and a lot more organization when setting up a whole website. Pages should be focused on certain aspects of the topic you’re website is about, and optimized specifically for that one aspect. So if you are building a website and you want to rank for  “quality cigars” one page on you’re site could be about the history of cigars, another could be about the procedure for making a quality cigar, and another could be about quality cigar accessories, etc. Remember you want to show Google that your site is an authority on the topic so the more specifically targeted pages you have the better off you’ll be.

Still not sure how to go about optimizing or re-optimizing your site for the newest Google updates? Need some help with your SEO strategy? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of you site and your SEO strategy and advice on how you could be doing better.

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