
The Symbiosis of Healthcare and Marketing

The Symbiosis of Healthcare and Marketing

It’s hardly a well-kept secret that the healthcare industry exists within a perpetual state of precariousness. As a society, we look to the wide array of healthcare professionals for unbiased solutions to issues related to our personal well-being. However, as with members of any industry, those professionals offer a series of products and services that exist to be marketed for […]

Is Your Online Presence Driving Customers TO You (or FROM You?)

Is Your Online Presence Driving Customers TO You (or FROM You?)

The core of any successful business, regardless of its size or the industry it’s found within, comes in the patronage of its clientele. Some businesses thrive upon a large volume of one-time purchases, while others are reliant upon incremental repeat business. Years ago, the difference depended simply upon (i) the quality of product and/or service offered (ii) the demand for […]

Take Two Minutes of Video & Call Me in the Morning

Take Two Minutes of Video & Call Me in the Morning

In today’s world, so many aspects of the Medical community draw the continual ire of the masses. From outrage over the profiteering practices of the Pharmaceutical industry to constant criticism of the costs associated with Health insurance providers, a large share of the general public has voiced a growing sense of detachment from the healthcare community, as a whole. Regardless […]

Making Your Automotive Marketing Worth a Million Words

Making Your Automotive Marketing Worth a Million Words

If seeking a real-world example of ‘necessary evil’, one could argue that ‘Marketing’ is a near-perfect choice. A crucial component of any business’s continued success, a well-realized and multi-tiered marketing initiative should be designed to communicate any (and all) messages, to any (and all) demographics, using the most effective platform for each. Just last month, we were discussing some perspectives […]

Without a Multi-Platform Strategy Your Dealership Will Fail. Here’s Why

Without a Multi-Platform Strategy Your Dealership Will Fail. Here’s Why

In the ever-changing automotive world, we are faced with the constant evolution of both expectations and demands in all forms of commerce. And while we can adapt accordingly, the expectation of any business to straddle the various generational gaps makes it necessary to adjust our business model and marketing initiatives to operate on a number of levels. And by diversifying […]

Health Care Industry Marketing Has Changed

Health Care Industry Marketing Has Changed

Of all service providers, the Healthcare industry is faced with some of the greatest expectations in terms of accessibility, credibility, and reliability. While such expectations are perfectly understandable, it emphasizes medical professionals’ need for a comprehensive online presence. And in this 24/7 world of transparency and constant connectivity, prospective patients demand far more than just a polished website. Wikimotive understands […]

Automotive Marketing In Today’s Industry

Automotive Marketing In Today’s Industry

Within today’s automotive industry, a dealership’s success is no longer solely dependent on a well-realized business model, or in the creation and maintenance of a customer-centric culture. While both remain crucial components, a dealership needs to embrace the important role that online marketing plays in ensuring its continued longevity.   Website Design Successful online marketing is more than just a […]

Is Corrupting Your Data?

Sep 22, 8:24AM, UPDATE: James Grace has contacted Wikimotive and shared findings with us: “We’ve tracked down the source of this issue to a 3rd Party Integration with that was active on approximately 16% of our sites.  Edmunds pushed tracking code to these sites that was causing the Google session-ID to be overwritten with every “event” on the website, […]

Welcoming Josh Billing, Front-End Developer & QA Specialist

Welcoming Josh Billing, Front-End Developer & QA Specialist

Wikimotive is pleased to introduce the newest member of our development team, Front-End Developer & QA Specialist, Josh Billings. Working closely with Wikimotive’s CTO and co-founder, Andrew Martin, Josh takes on the critical role of content publishing and front-end page development. After all, our writers can produce the best content on Earth, but someone with a sharp eye for detail […]

Employees Are Your Business’ Greatest Reputation Management Asset

Employees are hired based on their ability to perform and complete specific job functions. What is often overlooked is the significant role employees play in the business’ reputation. In the past, managing a business’ reputation was purely a matter of effectively handling public relations. This, alone, is no longer enough. In today’s world, technology has greatly altered the way businesses’ […]

You Have More in Common with Your Customer Than You Think

When a potential buyer walks through the door, calls you up on the phone, or chats with you online, your immediate reaction is to find ways to connect with them to provide quality customer service. You engage in small talk by chatting about the weather or current sport scores, hoping to uncover similar interests to aid you in providing great […]

Navigating SEO: 4 Problems Still Plaguing Dealer Websites

Your website is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. Even with a large budget, you could fail to achieve results if you’re lacking the foundation necessary to convert visitors into leads and sales. In this week’s Navigating SEO column, I’ll detail a few of the problems that still plague dealer websites years after being pointed out and […]

Navigating SEO: 3 Ways to Improve Your Dealership’s Keyword Research

Do you feel like you’re getting nowhere with SEO? It’s tough to pinpoint the exact reason you’re not seeing results, but there are ways you can improve your process to push through and start seeing green numbers. Keyword research is one of the smallest things you can improve upon; however, it can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful car […]

Navigating SEO: 3 SEO Content Tips to Boost Traffic and Conversions

In 2016, every business wants to use content to get more traffic to their website. From there, they want to better convert those users to boost client sign-ups or sales. But none of that comes without understanding some fundamental facts about SEO and how to create better content. To give you a leg up on your competition, I’m going to […]

Navigating SEO: How to Make the Most of Link Building in 2016

Link building isn’t dead, and it’s not likely to die in 2016. If you want to build authority for your website to increase organic traffic, link building is still a crucial component of SEO. The problem is, you may not be aligning your link building efforts with the standards that will lead to success in 2016. In this post, I’ll […]

Navigating SEO: How to Be Realistic with SEO Expectations

SEO and realistic expectations don’t go well together. On both sides of the aisle, there are issues that harm the digital marketing campaigns of businesses across the country and cause doubts about SEO as a viable and ROI-driven service. The problem starts with SEO vendors. For years now, the focus has been on achieving “#1 rankings” and “dominating” specific markets. […]

Navigating SEO: How to Focus Your Business Content Efforts

Content Marketing is one of the fastest growing forms of digital marketing employed by businesses in 2015. Where traditional advertising (even online) has its limits, content marketing’s only limit is your business’s creativity. But with all sorts of options out there for creating content, where do begin? In this post, I’ll give you a quick guide to help you focus […]