Top Tips For Tweets

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
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Social media marketing is one of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy. There are a few major players in the game, the biggest is probably Facebook, but Twitter is a close second. Some even claim Twitter is MORE important for businesses because of its ability to handle rapid fire posting and its accessibility on mobile devices. So for anyone looking to take advantage of Twitter, here are five easy tips based on the most recent timing study done by Buddy Media.

1. Don’t max out your character limit, instead, stay around 100 characters per tweet. This technique netted a 17 percent higher response rate because it allowed room for people to add their own commentary when Retweeting.

2. Add links to your Tweets. Tweets with links enjoyed a 86 percent higher Retweet rate. Ensure that you’re linking properly, dead links mean dead business opportunities! Keep in mind, the most common cause of dead links is improper spacing.

3. Make sure to include a relevant hashtag in your posts. Tweets with hashtags receive twice the engagement as non-tagged Tweets! Be aware though, more than one or two hashtags per tweet can start to turn people off.

4. Be sure to include images with your tweets. Tweets that include an image link double customer engagement!

5. Finally (and this may seem obvious but it’s surprisingly rare) Ask your followers to Retweet! Don’t do it with the shorthand “RT” unless you have to though. The study shows that while asking with “RT” garnered 12 times the Retweets, asking with the whole word “RETWEET!” showed an amazing 23 times the response!

Need help managing your Twitter account? Wikimotive can help! Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your social media marketing strategy and advice on how you can improve.

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