Facebook Introduces Three New Features For Facebook Marketers

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Facebook Marketing Tagged: , , , ,

Facebook made a few new updates for the month of June that Facebook Marketing experts should be very interested in. These updates show an interesting shift in Facebook’s attitude toward those of us who use it for marketing. All of the three updates that I will cover are a long time coming and will make Facebook Marketing more convenient.

The first new feature is Native Facebook Post Scheduling something that should have been available long ago. Unfortunately most Facebook marketers who would have use for post scheduling are already using 3rd party services for this purpose. It will be very interesting to see how many people end up staying with the third party tools and how many decide to use Facebook’s Native Scheduler. There have been a number of studies showing that 3rd party platforms, even if whitelisted, still manage to get their posts to appear in the news feed less than those posted straight from Facebook.

Facebook now also allows different levels of admin access to Facebook Page managers. Previously if you were a large company and had multiple people attending to your Facebook Page you had to give each and every one of them full and unlimited admin access. Now you can make sure each individual admin has access to only what they need, and limitation can go as far as only allowing access to insights for analysis and nothing else.

Lastly Facebook is again blurring the lines between paid and earned exposure. Facebook is now allowing Promoted Posts for Pages. These promoted posts allow Facebook Page admins to pay Facebook for the privilege of having a post reach a greater percentage of fans than it normally would. This service is available for all pages with 400 or more likes. This is a bit of a controversial move for an area of Facebook that has traditionally been very organic but as marketers who are we to turn up our noses, I say take full advantage.

Need help managing your Facebook Page? maybe you would love to use Promoted Posts but you can’t seem to get your likes as high as 400. Wikimotive can help, contact wikimotive for a free social evaluation and tips on how to get the most out of social media.

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