Many people these days might consider themselves a ‘social media expert’ but Unified is actually giving social media marketers a way to prove it. Unified is a social media operating platform, offering tools for planning and analyzing social media marketing strategies. Now they are offering a service called Unified University, which will apparently make you a certified social media expert.
Unified University isn’t actually a class but rather a series of online tutorials that can be completed on your own time. Students of Unified University can get certified in three different broad areas of social media marketing, Metrics and Reporting, Tactical, and Strategies for Success. In the long term Unified CEO Sheldon Owen says he wants certifications to become the accepted way of measuring someone’s social media knowledge.
This concept is not completely new either. In the web development and programming realm, web sites like this have been springing up all over the place. I am actually currently teaching my self to program using two of them, Codecademy.com, and teamtreehouse.com. I love the idea of self sufficient learning in fast paced technical fields like these. It would be great to see a network of universally recognized certification programs online, for a range of skills, that you could use on a resume for a job interview. Maybe going to college for computer programming or other technical fields is becoming obsolete.
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