10 SEO Copywriting Tips (Infographic)

Posted on by Daniel Hinds
Categories: SEO Infographics Tagged: , , ,

We do a lot of writing here at Wikimotive, and if you’re doing your digital marketing job correctly, so do you. Content generation is THE SEO technique of choice in 2013, and all signs point to quality content being the most important metric moving forward as well. This means writing. Lots of writing. For all that writing to realize its full potential though, there are some SEO techniques that you need to remember.

We’ve found a great infographic by the folks over at ContentVerve.com that gives 10 tips for SEO copywriting that will help you rank in 2013. A lot of it is stuff that we’ve been saying for awhile now, but it’s always nice to have those beliefs backed up. All of the advice on the infographic is currently relevant, and if you follow all ten steps you are sure to have some success in your SEO copywriting endeavors. It doesn’t matter if it’s blogs, landing pages, or other content, these rules will still apply.

Check them out below!

SEO Copywriting

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