Local SEO Statistics – May 2013

Posted on by Zach Billings
Categories: SEO News Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

You know what fuels a lot of SEO? Data. Data is the blood of the industry and good low cost SEO services are like vampires, sucking up all the data they can and using it to power their efforts moving forward. Good news for us, a local SEO industry survey just dropped, and it’s full to the brim with juicy facts and figures for us to digest, so let’s get started.

The survey has data from roughly 1,500 local SEO companies, and asked them about a variety of industry issues. You can see the local SEO industry survey here for yourself, but we’re going to focus on one aspect in particular today. What clients want from their local SEO company:

Wikimotive Local SEO Survey May 2013

As you can see in the graph above, the biggest thing clients want is on-site SEO. This has long been one of the staples of SEO and isn’t really that surprising. The thing that IS surprising is the number two result, Google+ Optimization.

Why is Google+ so highly rated?

For a long time, many SEO companies (Wikimotive included) were saying that Google+  was a must have. We all set up our accounts and waited…and waited…and waited…and never saw any real result. We started moving away from the service. Then, late last year, Google introduced Google+ local and it was a game changer.

The game was changed!

Now, Google+ for local (and really, only for local) is a must have for SEO. When you perform a local search, your Google+ results usually come up in the top 5, above many other highly ranked organic searches. Let me reiterate this:

If you have a local business, Google+ IS NOW A MUST!

That’s why the graph above looks the way it does, and that’s why you need to be sure yours is properly optimized.

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