Twitter Makes Cross Posting To Facebook More Seamless

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Social Media Marketing Tagged: , , , , , ,

Twitter just recently tweaked the way that usernames, hashtags, and photos are cross posted to Facebook. This adjustment is going to make cross posting for your social media marketing a little more seamless. “The updated Twitter for Facebook integration now includes additional rich media experiences related to the first photo, URL, @mention or #hashtag in the cross-posted tweet,” Twitter spokesman Robert Weeks said. “This update is available for everyone.”

What this does is recognize when a user cross posts something to Facebook and adds a rich link to the Facebook post based on a hashtag or mention they used in the tweet. For example, if you post something with a hash tag in it the rich link generated will take you to the feed for that hash tag so you can see other tweets on that topic.

This kind of cross integration is actually kind of cool and helps to make users social media experience more smooth and seamless. Do you need help managing your social media marketing? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your social media campaign and advise on how you can improve.

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