Search Engine Market Shares

Posted on by Zach Billings
Categories: SEO News Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It’s time again for another month’s worth of search statistics! Which search engines came out on top at the end of 2012? We’re pretty sure you already know the winner, but the other numbers may surprise you. In fact, they may represent a shift for your Digital Marketing Company movie forward.

The winner for December 2012 was, of course, Google. They came in strong with with 66.7 percent market share of searches. This is down a tiny bit from their 67 percent share in November, but I don’t think they’re worrying too much about it. Google is still up from their 65 percent in December 2011.

The interesting development is Bing. The little search engine that could is still chugging along, and they netted their highest market share ever in December, a robust 16.3 percent. This is up more than a full point from the end of 2011.

Yahoo is still clinging on, but losing ground. They shrunk again this year, moving from 14 percent share in 2011 to a 12 percent share going into 2013. They don’t seem to be able to stem the tide, so you can count on Yahoo to keep hemorrhaging share until they fall into complete obscurity.

Speaking of complete obscurity… and AOL are both nearly obsolete. Ask is pulling in a 3 percent share and AOL is coming in at 1.8.

What does all of this mean for you? The bulk of your efforts should still be focused on Google, but moving some resources to Bing should be on your radar. There is a lot of overlap between the two search engines so it likely won’t require a fundamental shift in strategy, just some tweaking here and there. I wouldn’t implement anything yet as Google continues to grow, just don’t sleep on Bing.

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