Using The New Google Analytics Dashboard With WordPress

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Automotive SEO Tagged: , , , , , ,

One of the best parts of the new Google Analytics is the custom dashboards. This is something you should definitely start using to properly measure your SEO, PPC, Conversion Rates, and more. You can also make custom dashboards for WordPress blogs using a simple plugin called Google Analytics for WordPress plugin. Getting a handle on your Automotive Search engine optimization and other digital marketing efforts is always easier when you have the proper measurement tools.

The new dashboard is built to give quick and accurate insight into the most important things you might want to know about your blog at any time. Some times measurement for a blog is going to be different than for a website, for example using visits rather than visitors because you want to know if people are coming back more than once to continue reading your content. You can also measure metrics specifically about posts rather than measuring all pages on your blog so you can get a better understanding of how your readers interact with your blog.

The WordPress plugin mentioned earlier takes this even further, allowing you to track post types, authors, categories and tags. Tracking by tags and categories is only useful of course if you’re vigilant about being organized and clear with your application of categories and tags to each blog. If you are using these features correctly though, you could gain a lot of insight from tracking stats on individual categories and tags so you know what your readers like reading and what they don’t particularly like. You can also view data on different traffic sources like used medium, social sources, and used organic search terms.

Want to improve your blogging? Having trouble building a readership? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your blogging strategy and advice on how you can improve.


  1. Tracking what visitors do is important, more so than just knowing the number of visitors you have received. Traffic is more than just the number of visitors. It’s the number of visitors that become consumers of whatever the company is offering, so it’s important to track those consumers.

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