Category: Bing

Microsoft and Bing Moving to Keyword (Not Provided)

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the keyword (not provided) ordeal that has been increasingly plaguing users of Google Analytics. Pretty much every single blog that talks about digital marketing (including this one) has had multiple articles about not provided and what it may mean. Of all the suggested workarounds, one of the more popular was to start […]

Bing’s New Design

Early on in 2013, Bing gave us a preview of what the future could hold for the search engine. Now, we’re seeing that preview come to fruition. It’s a whole new look and feel for Bing, and even though it feels very strange to say…we think we like it. Let’s take a look at what’s different and how it may […]

Use Excel in Bing Optimization

Excel is an enormous part of the business world. Windows comes on most machines and Excel comes with most copies of Windows, so it’s not surprising that it’s become the spreadsheet tool of choice. In addition to being nearly ubiquitous, Excel is also a powerful tool. People make careers out of being particularly good at it. It’s a great way […]

Official Bing Statement: 25 Things They Love and Hate for SEO

  This week, we got an update from Duane Forrester. Apparently, mister Forrester is the Bing equivalent of Google’s Matt Cutts. He’s the director of Webmaster Tools instead of Webspam, and his name isn’t as catchy, but they share the spokesman role for their respective search engines. Duane isn’t as active as Matt, but he’s been doing more and more […]

Pinterest Hooks Up With Bing

Social media and search are again colliding, and for once, the news isn’t about Google and Facebook. No, today’s news is about the little brothers of search and social, the ones who aren’t quite as successful but certainly give it there all. Let us here at Wikimotive tell you about it, and how it can affect your small business SEO.

Bing Ads on Facebook?

Currently, the biggest problem with using Bing for SEM and SEO for Business is the lack of search volume. Sure, they came in with roughly 20 percent of the total U.S. searches by the end of last year, but Google is still dominating them, essentially getting the rest of the market share (ignoring the pittance of Yahoo, AOL, and Optimizing […]

Bing Webmaster Guidelines

Bing remains slightly inscrutable to many people. Due to Google’s overwhelming domination in the search engine market, Bing is often forgotten about entirely. Don’t let Microsoft’s brainchild remain a mystery to you though, because there is help! This week, Microsoft has (finally) released a list of Bing Webmaster Guidelines, “intended to help your content be found and indexed within Bing.” […]