Category: ebooks

Wikimotive’s Free SEO and Social Media eBook Stash!

We always loved reading free eBooks when we were learning the trade, and this year we made it a point to start releasing our own. We did the research, pulled from our own experience, grabbed  a designer, and put together some eBooks we’re really proud of. We never released them in a single place before though, so here is the […]

Optimizing for Conversion eBook!

Optimizing for Conversion eBook!

Most businesses understand the benefits of search engine optimization, but they waste all that hard SEO work by not having decent landing pages. Getting clicked is only the first step, once a potential customer is on your page, you need to be able to convert them into either a lead or a sale.

Wikimotive Ebook: Social Link Building

Wikimotive Ebook: Social Link Building

Most businesses understand the benefits of search engine optimization, but many miss out on easy opportunities. Building backlinks is common, but social link building is often overlooked. Social link building enables you to build links that will spread organically, making your site more popular and bettering your position on search engines.

Internal Linking: Sometimes The Most Powerful Links… Come From Within

Internal Linking: Sometimes The Most Powerful Links… Come From Within

If you’re involved with the marketing aspect of your web presence, then you’ve probably heard of internal links. Simply put, they’re links on a website that lead to other pages on that same website (hence ‘internal’). Does your business utilize them? It not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful and reliable methods of lead generation and SEO […]

Wikimotive’s Landing Page Guide

Wikimotive’s Landing Page Guide

If youʼre involved in your companyʼs internet marketing, then youʼve probably heard the term, “landing pages”. A landing page, or a lead capture page, is the page that a potential customer arrives at after clicking on an advertisement or other link. The page should be related to the ad or link and also should contain a form for gathering information. […]

The Social Media Spellbook For Marketing Wizards

The Social Media Spellbook For Marketing Wizards

Are you interested in revving up your social media presence? Are you falling flat on Facebook, tanking on Twitter, and blogging for an audience of one? Check out the new comprehensive guide to becoming the king of your social media kingdom. With Wikimotive Social Media Spellbook For Marketing Wizards, you’ll be making the magic happen in no time.