Category: SEO Case Studies

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

Google Analytics Now Misreporting Location for iOS Users 2023 Update at the end. Brace yourself. This is the biggest change to the usefulness of Google Analytics acquisition data, in almost a decade. The last time we lost this much visibility in Google Analytics was when Google themselves started obfuscating keyword data for organic users. Over a few-year period, we went […]

The Best Way to Learn SEO

One of the most common questions we get asked is “What is the best way to learn SEO?” There are a few obvious places to start, I would in particular recommend the Moz blog (especially the community posts), Matt Cutt’s Google Webmaster Help videos, and (of course) the Wikimotive blog we write here daily. If you really want to get […]

Exact Match Domains Still Work: an Anecdotal Look

If you’ve been paying attention to the world of search engine optimization this past year, you know that Google brought the hammer down on exact match domains. No longer can someone trying to rank for dog toys simply buy “” and enjoy front page results…or at least that’s what people are saying. I hear it from people all the time […]

Bing it On! Fact or Fraud

If you watch television at all, you’ve probably seen the commercial for Microsoft’s Bing it On campaign (if you don’t watch television, you should check it out, there’s some great stuff on there, I personally recommend Breaking Bad.) In case you haven’t seen it, Bing it On is essentially a blind comparison between Bing and Google, a la Pepsi and […]

People Are Still Exchanging Bad Links?

Exchanging links was once a viable link building tactic. A website would give you a link with the exact anchor text you wanted, you’d do the same for them, and everything was hunky-dory with the world. That was well and good as recently as a couple years ago, but to do that today shows a stunning lack of industry knowledge. […]