Author: Meaghan StPeter

How to Level Up Online: Keyword Strategies

How to Level Up Online: Keyword Strategies

We all know keywords are important. To meaningfully appear in Google’s search results, you need to focus your site’s content on the topics and search queries that are valuable to your business and potential customers. But finding the right keywords goes well beyond looking at the search volume and ranking difficulty statistics associated with the topics for which you want […]

SEO Climb Video Series – September Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – September Recap

Dave has officially wrapped up a successful second series of SEO Climb. This month, like the rest, he covered some hot topics like whether or not you should hire an outside SEO (search engine optimization) provider, how ChatGPT and other AI tools impact SEO, the best ways to perform keyword research, and whether you should continue optimizing for keywords for […]

SEO Climb Video Series – August Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – August Recap

Google’s algorithm updates, big SEO (search engine optimization) uh-ohs, performance analysis, and the timelessness–or lack thereof–of SEO. These are all topics Dave covered in the August episodes of SEO Climb, and you won’t want to miss out on any of this information. If you did happen to miss an episode or two, though, you’re in luck because I put together […]

SEO Climb Video Series – July Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – July Recap

Due to popular demand, SEO Climb with Dave Estey is back. In series one, Dave talked about everything from what SEO (search engine optimization) is to how you can identify your online competitors. Now, back for a second series, he is getting more in-depth and going over more important SEO topics. In July, he touched on how much time you […]

The Time Has Come: Moving on to GA4

The Time Has Come: Moving on to GA4

Well, folks, the time has officially come. After over ten years of Universal Analytics (UA), it is time to move over to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Technically, you or your digital marketing vendor should have set you up on GA4 a long while ago, allowing you to capture historical data, but if not––it’s important to get on it now. As […]

High Performance Video Series – June Recap

High Performance Video Series – June Recap

The June episodes of High Performance wrapped up series two. Zach talked about Performance Max ads, along with other paid advertising opportunities, how to increase fixed ops leads, and even some common reasons you may see an increase in direct traffic to your website. This information allows you to not only learn how to best manage your dealership’s online marketing […]

3 Things Causing CLS Issues On Your Website

3 Things Causing CLS Issues On Your Website

Cumulative layout shift (CLS) is one of the most frustrating––and common––issues found on websites. Have you ever been online, gone to click a button, and it suddenly shifts, causing you to click on something else? That is CLS, an issue that occurs while the page is loading. And based on the number of dealership websites I have analyzed and found […]

High Performance Video Series – May Recap

High Performance Video Series – May Recap

A few months ago, VP of Performance and Sales here at Wikimotive, Zach Billings, went in-depth on a number of automotive SEO topics in his High Performance video series. Now, he’s back again to talk about even more. Kicking off the second series, Zach discussed something everyone’s wondering about: how dealerships in other parts of the country outrank you on […]

3 SEO Tasks AI Can’t Address & Why

3 SEO Tasks AI Can’t Address & Why

There is no denying the fact that artificial intelligence (AI) can be useful in crafting and executing elements of a powerful SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. We have proven that fact time and time again within our AI blog series. However, there are also plenty of SEO tasks that AI can’t address. From developing a content strategy to alt tags […]

Can AI Replace My SEO Provider?

Can AI Replace My SEO Provider?

Some of you may be considering replacing your SEO provider with artificial intelligence (AI), thinking, “This could save me so much money!” While that may be true for your marketing budget, trading in an experienced SEO provider for AI is not without serious risks––some of which may outweigh any savings. It goes without saying that AI does and will continue […]

ThinkBetter Video Series – March Recap

ThinkBetter Video Series – March Recap

As promised, we at Wikimotive have been delivering yet another knowledge-packed video series over the last few weeks. This time, we are hosting a special guest: Vendor Accountability Advocate from ThinkBetter, Angus Fox. Angus has taken the stand to tell you how to ensure you are getting the most out of your third-party vendors, from your automotive SEO provider to […]

How Can I Use AI to Help My SEO Strategy?

How Can I Use AI to Help My SEO Strategy?

Over the last couple of weeks, Emily and I have talked about what artificial intelligence (AI) language models are, how they work, and some pros and cons of this dynamic technology. Why are we spending this time learning and teaching you about this, though? What ties does AI really have to search engine optimization (SEO)? More than you may think. […]

SEO Climb with Dave Estey Series 1 Recap

SEO Climb with Dave Estey Series 1 Recap

A few months back, the team here at Wikimotive began a new video series called SEO Climb with Dave Estey. Series 1 is officially coming to an end, so we figured we would give you a full recap of everything discussed over the past few weeks. Let’s get started: Defining SEO: The What, Why & How In the beginning episodes […]

SEO Climb Video Series – January Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – January Recap

SEO Climb with Dave Estey is officially coming to a close. Well, for now, anyway. January wrapped up the first series, which had us all learning the ins and outs of automotive SEO (search engine optimization) for the last few months. To wrap things up, Dave answered some big questions in January, like how long it takes for SEO to […]

Search Engine Optimization: 2022 Year in Review

Search Engine Optimization: 2022 Year in Review

2022 has officially come to a close, and what a year it was for automotive SEO. With changes coming from left and right, it might have been hard to keep track of it all. For that reason, SEO Climb host Dave Estey held a podcast-style panel to discuss the most important SEO topics of 2022. The panel included me, Meaghan […]

SEO Climb Video Series – December Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – December Recap

December was a special month for SEO Climb with Dave Estey. Not only did two of the regularly scheduled episodes air, but a special edition of the video series was released. The first two weeks followed the regular format as Dave covered content marketing, touching base on over-optimization and the necessity of blogs. The third week, a Holiday Special, was […]

SEO Climb Video Series – November Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – November Recap

We are now two months into our SEO Climb video series, where Dave Estey, Wikimotive’s search engine optimization expert, teaches you the ins and outs of all things SEO. Last month, he went over what SEO is, why it is valuable, and how you can rank well on Google. This month, the videos narrowed in on more in-depth topics, including […]

What is Automotive SEO and Why Does it Matter?

What is Automotive SEO and Why Does it Matter?

As a professional in the automotive space, you want your website to perform the best it can. While paid ads on Google and various social media platforms can help to grab the attention of some online users, the fact is: focusing on a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategy is not making the most of your online presence. A large portion of online […]

3 Essential Practices for Effective Automotive SEO

3 Essential Practices for Effective Automotive SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential when it comes to generating online traffic to your dealership’s website. While it is quite a complex undertaking, there are a couple of general actions that you can take, or make sure your provider is taking, to best optimize for search. There are hundreds of factors that go into ranking, but with these couple […]

SEO Climb Video Series – October Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – October Recap

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are a ton of whats, whys, and hows. What is it? Why is it important? How is it done? All of those questions are common, but the answers may not be as simple as some may hope. That is why we at Wikimotive started the SEO Climb video series, where our […]