
3 Current Problems That Could Be Affecting Your Dealership (Part 2)

3 Current Problems That Could Be Affecting Your Dealership (Part 2)

Last week, we started talking about common Google Analytics problems affecting dealerships everywhere. And since I’m young, healthy and have a fast recovery time, guess what? Yup…we’re gonna do it again.   Problem #1: Self Referrals in Your Reports What are “self referrals”? They’re what happens when your own website’s domain shows up on your site as referral traffic. This […]

3 Current Problems That Could Be Affecting Your Dealership (Part 1)

3 Current Problems That Could Be Affecting Your Dealership (Part 1)

Today, let’s talk about 3 simple, but critical implementation problems plaguing the Google Analytics profiles of dealerships all around the country, right now, and could be affecting you.   Problem #1: Data Loss Generally speaking, your analytics sessions are your vitals. If you see that line hit 0 and stay there, we’re calling time of death. That’s why we need […]

Why Google Isn’t Crawling Your Dealership’s Website

Why Google Isn’t Crawling Your Dealership’s Website

So, you have a webpage that’s not indexed by Google…that’s a problem. So let’s troubleshoot that. Well, unless you have something more important to do. (Newsflash…you don’t) If Your Page Isn’t Currently Indexed One issue could be that you accidentally told Google not to index your site. How? Well, there are two ways this can happen. One is you have […]

Crawlability & What it Means to Your Website

Crawlability & What it Means to Your Website

Last week, we discussed the importance of Response Codes, and how they play a role in determining whether or not potential car buyers are getting what they need out of your dealership’s website. But what about Google’s ability to get what they need in order to deliver your site to those customers? Well, stay tuned, because we have “Just the […]

Response Codes and Why They’re So Important to Your Dealership

Response Codes and Why They’re So Important to Your Dealership

You’ve recently heard Kelsea and Jay talk about the important role content plays in achieving your SEO goals. Then, Aaron did the same thing in regard to user experience. And, yes, both are very important but none if it makes a difference if neither clients or Google can find it. So, let’s talk about content deliverability. If you’re doing it […]

5 Steps You Can Take to Speed Up Your Website

5 Steps You Can Take to Speed Up Your Website

When we talk about page speed, one of the key factors to having faster load times is the size of the page. Now, I’m not talking about width and height dimensions, I’m talking about data. The kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes of information being displayed. A great start to improving your site’s performance is to figure out what’s taking up the […]

3 Tools to Assess Your Dealership’s Page Performance

3 Tools to Assess Your Dealership’s Page Performance

Last time, we told you how page speed is super important to user experience, and in getting your dealership to rank higher in search results. Now, let’s explore three valuable tools that can help you assess your page speed and identify any red flags. Page Speed Insights Last week we introduced Google’s Page Speed Insights, one of the popular ways […]

4 Ways to Optimize Your Dealership’s Content

4 Ways to Optimize Your Dealership’s Content

So, you’ve decided to Improve your local search rankings by writing your own content. That’s awesome. How’s it working for you? How close are you to the top of Page 1 for local search results? Wait. Are you even on Page 1? Page 2? Worse? Well, we have ‘Just the Tip’ for you. Like our CEO always says, “When it […]

9 Steps to Improve Your Dealership’s Content

9 Steps to Improve Your Dealership’s Content

Does your content suck?  Over the last few weeks we have gone over different types of content, tips for coming up with content ideas, and local content for your dealership’s website. Today, we’re going to discuss how you can improve your content, and optimize it to help you rank higher.  Structure is Important Let’s start with one basic writing rule […]

4 Tips For Your Dealership’s Local Content

4 Tips For Your Dealership’s Local Content

Last week, we discussed three types of content that your website needs: Navigational Pages, Landing Pages, and Blog Posts.  This week, we are going to dive deeper into blog territory, covering one style of blog that’s crucial for any SEO strategy…Local Content.  Local Content allows you to: 1. Present your dealership to your community, or to a specific geography. 2. […]

3 Types of Content Your Dealership’s Website Needs

3 Types of Content Your Dealership’s Website Needs

LET’S TALK CONTENT… If you have questions when it comes to content for your dealership’s website, you’re not alone. We hear them all the time… “How do I write content?”  “How do I improve my content?”  But what’s often surprising is how often we hear the question, “What do you mean by content?” In the simplest terms, anything you’ve made available […]

5 Steps Your Dealership Needs to Take to Optimize Your GMB

5 Steps Your Dealership Needs to Take to Optimize Your GMB

Consider This… More than 95% of your dealership’s potential sales are delivered to you as a result of online research.  Local search accounts for 46% of Google searches, and 4 out of 5 consumers consider it to be their primary means of getting information about, or contacting a business. It’s also estimated a business’s GMB is the preferred resource for […]

Page Speed and Why It’s Crucial to Your Site

Page Speed and Why It’s Crucial to Your Site

What Is Page Speed? Page Speed is the time it takes for a web page to load in the browser. While this sounds self explanatory, it’s a bit more complex. Any time you land on a web page, quite a bit is going on in the background. Your device is sending a request to an online server and that server […]

8 Things About User-Generated Content Your Dealership Needs to Know

8 Things About User-Generated Content Your Dealership Needs to Know

Way before 2020 became the year of pandemics, murder hornets and protests it was predicted by leading marketers to be “the year of user-generated content”. And if you really think about it, the predictions were surprisingly accurate. Content creation has been a cornerstone of our collective coping when it comes to everything that 2020 had in store for us, thus […]

Not a Writer? Here’s the ONE Tool You Should Be Using

Not a Writer? Here’s the ONE Tool You Should Be Using

“But I’m Not a Writer”… The (bleep) you aren’t. Everyone’s a writer, and today we’re going to talk about a FREE tool you already have access to, a tool that can make it easier for all of you “non-writers” out there to create kickass original content. Words matter. Not only can the right words help you to better resonate with […]

7 Easy Ways to Optimize Your YouTube Content

7 Easy Ways to Optimize Your YouTube Content

Log onto Google and do a search for anything, and you’ll be provided with what Google interprets to be related video content. Most likely, the results will feature videos that are posted to YouTube (over other video platforms) since it’s a Google-owned platform. In other words, YouTube content has SEO Value. And since this series is all about optimizing your […]

YouTube Analytics &Your Dealership’s Video Content

YouTube Analytics &Your Dealership’s Video Content

Video analytics are crucial. They help you to assess the quality of your content, to identify what is and isn’t resonating with your dealership’s audience, and they help you to evolve your strategy so that your next piece of content can perform better than your last one. Plus, when it comes to YouTube (as opposed to Facebook) remember…you don’t have […]

Where Should You Post Your Videos (and Why)

Where Should You Post Your Videos (and Why)

Facebook. YouTube. Which platform should you be posting your dealership’s videos on, and why? On one hand, Facebook is STILL the most prominent social media platform out there with roughly 2.5 billion users, worldwide – but it also features additional post types in addition to video. YouTube, on the other hand, only boasts about 2 billion users but is the […]

Are You Paying Attention to Your Video Metrics? You Should Be.

Are You Paying Attention to Your Video Metrics? You Should Be.

It’s one thing to create videos – but what’s the point if those videos aren’t driving social media engagement and expanding your overall reach? By now, our regular viewers should familiar with Facebook Insights – and how to find them. If you’re a first time viewer, or would simply like to revisit our recent content, remember that you can find […]

The Value of Facebook Audience Insights

The Value of Facebook Audience Insights

Last week, we provided an overview of Facebook Page Insights, a great front-end tool that helps you to monitor the effectiveness of your posting strategy. Now, there are more in-depth tools and visibility provided by both Facebook Business Manager and other third-party tools, but the simplified accessibility of Page Insights makes it universally valuable. This week, we’ll be exploring Facebook […]