
AdWords New Shared Budget

Google just rolled out a new feature in their AdWords service: the shared budget. Basically, it’s exactly what you would think it is. It lets you create a single daily budget that is then shared by multiple campaigns in your AdWords account. The idea being that this will make it easier for businesses to optimize their AdWords accounts, enabling them […]

Google Acquires Instagram Competitor: Snapseed

Google is back in the buying market, with the acquisition of a company that seems to be directly related to their battle with Facebook. Google acquired Nik Software, an app development company focused on photography. One app in particular is of note as a competitor to Instagram and winner of the iPad app of the year award in 2011. The […]

Using The New Google Analytics Dashboard With WordPress

One of the best parts of the new Google Analytics is the custom dashboards. This is something you should definitely start using to properly measure your SEO, PPC, Conversion Rates, and more. You can also make custom dashboards for WordPress blogs using a simple plugin called Google Analytics for WordPress plugin. Getting a handle on your Automotive Search engine optimization […]

Finding Inspiration For Your Blog

Blogging can be tough, especially when your marketing strategy has you posting every day. When you’re blogging for business posting every day can be extremely beneficial but writer’s block starts to become a serious problem. So how do you make sure that you’re getting regular inspiration and at the same time ensure that you’re writing about topics that are relevant […]

Bing Integrates Facebook Photo Search In Their SERPs

So you’ve been searching for that hilarious photo your buddy put up on Facebook last week, or you can’t seem to find that one picture from his cookout last year but you know it’s there. Not to worry thanks to Bing we now have the ability to search for photos shared by your Facebook friends. For a while now Bing […]

Common Blogging Mistakes When It Comes To Social Media

Blogging is about a lot of things, producing good content, building trust with your target market, driving traffic back to your website, adding value to your auto dealerships SEO, but one of the most important things that often gets overlooked is that you can, and should, use blogging in conjunction with your social media marketing as well. A lot of […]

Wikimotive’s New eBook: Blogging For Business

Wikimotive’s New eBook: Blogging For Business

If you’re involved with the marketing aspect of your web presence, then you’ve probably heard of blogging for business. Simply put, a well executed blog can be the hub of all your internet marketing efforts. Does your business have one? If not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful and reliable methods of lead generation and SEO bolstering […]

Pinterest and Instagram Experience Massive Growth This Year

Pinterest and Instagram, the two new kids on the block. They are niche social networks each catering to a specific gap in the market and each are growing at exponential rates. We can expect Facebook and Twitter to remain the supreme social media leaders but these alternatives are growing in popularity very quickly, Instagram doesn’t have a huge value for […]

5 Questions To Ask In Your Search For An SEO Company

Here at Wikimotive, we love educated customers. Thatʼs why we put together this list, laying out the top five questions a business should ask any prospective SEO company before hiring them. It doesnʼt cover everything, but with these five questions, you should be able to get a good overall feel and narrow down your prospective partners.

Google Cracking Down Even More On Unnatural SEO

Google announced this week that they would be making further adjustments to their algorithms, specifically with the Penguin and Panda parts of it. If you’ve been reading our blog and following our advice you should have nothing to worry about because you will already be creating good content. If not you might want to pay attention because the adjustments to […]

Internal Linking: Sometimes The Most Powerful Links… Come From Within

Internal Linking: Sometimes The Most Powerful Links… Come From Within

If you’re involved with the marketing aspect of your web presence, then you’ve probably heard of internal links. Simply put, they’re links on a website that lead to other pages on that same website (hence ‘internal’). Does your business utilize them? It not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful and reliable methods of lead generation and SEO […]

Using Site Search To Boost Your Sites Coversion Rate

One measurement of website success tends to get overlooked a lot in favor of other, bigger numbers like traffic and bounce rate. That measurement is conversion rate, what percentage of visitors to your website convert into a lead. One of the biggest factors when it comes to optimizing your site for higher conversion rates is usability, if users can’t successfully […]

Facebook Timeline and Your Business

Facebook has rapidly become one of the biggest players in the SEO field. Weʼve given you tips on how to make social network marketing work for you in the past, but itʼs time for an update. Facebook is implementing a major change by making their new Timeline layout compulsory. In the recent past, users could elect to change from the […]

Wikimotive’s Landing Page Guide

Wikimotive’s Landing Page Guide

If youʼre involved in your companyʼs internet marketing, then youʼve probably heard the term, “landing pages”. A landing page, or a lead capture page, is the page that a potential customer arrives at after clicking on an advertisement or other link. The page should be related to the ad or link and also should contain a form for gathering information. […]

The Truth About Buying Twitter followers

 The purchasing of Twitter followers has become an extremely popular trend. It offers the instant gratification that many people and businesses crave. When someone sees you have a mere handful of followers, they arenʼt likely to believe you have much clout (or Klout, for that matter). When you have thousands–or tens of thousands–of followers, you suddenly start to look a […]

Using Social Media To Effect Your SEO

As we have mentioned before, social media is not just a good way to keep in touch with your customers it’s now crucial to your SEO as well. But just how can you use your social media marketing to help your SEO? We’re going to talk about exactly that, how your social media and SEO can work together to grow […]