Category: Social Media Case Studies

Brilliant Ajax Social Wipes

When you think social media genius, what’s the first brand that comes to mind? A lot of people praise Taco Bell for their snarky Twitter comments, others laud the versatility and lifestyle branding of the energy drink company Red Bull. Very few people, if any, think of the cleaning solution company Ajax when they think of social success, but that’s […]

Is Your Social Media Focused on the Right Numbers?

I’ve been talking to a lot of people about social media, and I’ve come to realize that some people have lost sight of the real goal of social media marketing. That is to say, they have completely forgotten about the “marketing” part. Yes, the social part is important, and of course you want to grow your fan base across Facebook, […]

Pew Internet Life Survey Numbers for Social Networks

Last week the Pew Internet and American Life Project released some new data, and today we want to share a little bit of that data with you, specifically the data pertaining to the way Americans are using social networks. It’s no surprise that Facebook is still dominating the social scene overall (despite all the people claiming they’re sick of the […]

Social Media and the Christmas Break

Today I’d like to write a little public service announcement to all of you social media marketers out there in the world. Christmas is nearly here, which of course you know, but a lot of people aren’t considering that the holiday falls in the middle of the week this year. That means that for a lot of people (maybe including […]

What Hurts Your Social Posts? Turns Out, Spelling Matters

What determines social media success? There are a lot of factors, and every single one is important. Of course we always talk about what kind of content your audience is expecting and the best ways to deliver that content across all platforms, but sometimes we have to delve a little deeper than that to succeed. That is why today we’re […]

Where Do We Share? (Infographic)

No one likes beating a dead horse. There’s no joy in it, no glory in whaling away on some poor equine. You don’t like it, the people around you don’t like it, the horse (being dead) is indifferent, but you can be sure his horse-ghost is horse-frowning in horse-heaven. Still, sometimes it needs to be done, so I’ll say it […]

Social Media for the Fringe

As we wrote about just last week, social media is one of the most important ranking factors in all of SEO. You need to create interesting content and then you need to syndicate that content across all of your social networks, creating a web of followers that boosts your overall brand. This is easy if you’re in certain verticals, like […]

Do Not Touch

Have you ever heard of the Amsterdam-based prog-rock band Light Light? Well, now you have. If you didn’t hear it from us, you would have heard it soon anyway, because the band has created a marketing campaign for their new single that is going viral. As we’ve said before, there is no magic spell that will make you go viral, […]

Adam Orth, Microsoft Creative Director, Bombs on Twitter

Adam Orth, Microsoft Creative Director, Bombs on Twitter

Adam Orth is one of the creative directors at Microsoft studios. He’s not the top of the chain, but he IS important, and he should be aware that his words have weight. Unfortunately (for Microsoft and his own career) he performed a major faux pas on Twitter last night. Let’s take a look at what he did and investigate how […]

Measuring the Success of the Human Rights Campaign

Remember the Human Rights Campaign’s pink equal sign that we wrote about last week? Well, it’s died down a little, but it’s still going pretty strong. It seemed nearly everyone on Facebook had at least one friend change their profile picture, but the evidence was anecdotal…until now. Facebook has released some interesting stats talking about the spread of the campaign, […]

Are Your Social Shares Calling You a Loser?

Are you familiar with social sharing cues? Essentially, they’re the little indicators you see attached to content all over the web (including on this post). They allow you to share the content your enjoying to all of the 3,012,432 social networks in existence, and then they’ll often times display a number indicating how many times the content has been shared. […]

The Human Rights Campaign’s Pink Equal Sign

If you’re on Facebook, Twitter or really any social network, you probably saw a lot of the red and pink equal sign pictured above. If you’re wondering what it is, it’s a sign promoted by the Human Rights Campaign, advocating for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people. The Supreme Court is meeting this week in Washington […]

Super Bowl Lessons

There are many lessons we can take from this Super Bowl this year. Important, crucial information like Beyonce has still got it, always pay your electricity bill before you have company over, and murderers can go on to do great things in life. Even more important though, are the lessons we can learn about Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Let  us […]

Wikimotive Case Study: Red Bull

Marketing with Twitter and Facebook should be less about selling a product, and more about selling your brand. Some companies don’t understand this and that’s why they believe social media isn’t valuable, because when you only use it to showcase sales, it isn’t. Other brands have a firm grasp on why people use social media and they enjoy stellar success as […]

3 Tips To Avoid Social Media Overload

There’s a problem I have been seeing a lot lately among businesses who are late to adopting social media. They are excited, just raring to go (which is admirable) but they have no perspective on what they’re getting themselves into. They look up every possible social network and just start registering. Now, I’m a big proponent of social media as […]

Social Media Numbers Still Growing

Social media is here to stay, and according to the latest study released by the Nielsen group, it hasn’t even finished growing yet. What does this mean for the future of social media marketing and what role will it play in your automotive dealership SEO? Lets take a quick look at the numbers.

Small Business Employees and Social Media

Small businesses, especially ones that operate locally or regionally, need to be on social media. I don’t think anyone disputes this anymore; it is so true that it has become axiomatic. The problem comes from businesses not knowing what to do once they’re on social media. We’ve published guides here and you can find hundreds (heck, probably thousands) of others […]

Social Media and The Workplace

How does your company handle the social media accounts of employees? In the past, it wasn’t really an issue, but every day it becomes more of a problem. Employers want to know about their employees, and employees want their personal lives to stay private. How do you navigate these muddy waters? It’s truly a challenge, one that is only going […]