Category: Google


If you’ve been following the digital marketing blogosphere for the last week, by now you’ve probably concluded that SEO is dead because within 3 months there will be no more keyword data in Google Analytics. Right? Its the end of SEO. No more measuring. No more valuable data. Its Adwords or nothing.  Let’s just stop the madness right now. This […]

Does Google Penalize Scripts that Pull Search Queries?

Today we have another wonderful video from Matt Cutts over at Google. For a change of pace this time around (sarcasm), Matt is talking about something that will get you penalized.  Specifically, it’s a sketchy SEO technique that’s been around forever, but only seems to be getting more popular (despite being obviously sketchy). Let’s take a look at what it […]

Google’s [Not Provided] is Crippling Analytics

Have you ever checked your analytics for organic search traffic? If you’re involved in SEO, of course the answer is yes, so you have probably been noticing a disturbing trend. In your organic search query data, the [not provided] number is growing…and growing…and growing. The amount of usable, actionable analytics data is dwindling, being replaced by the [not provided] monster. […]

Is Page Speed More Important on Mobile?

Mobile is a strange beast, isn’t it? All of a sudden, developers have to plan on people using these tiny little devices all of the time. It makes sites display differently, it serves up different results in search, and it’s just another complicated layer over the top of the whole thing that you have to consider. The latest theory is […]

An Authorship FAQ from Google

Google Authorship is quickly becoming one of the most talked about aspects of SEO. The rel=”author” tag lets you attach your name and Google+ profile to the content you create on the web, giving you a picture in a rich snippet and a general air of authority in SERPs. We have the guide to setting up Google Authorship right here, […]

Matt Cutts: Google +1s Have No Affect on Rankings

Does Google+ influence search rankings to any noticeable degree? It’s one of the most hotly debated issues in all of search engine optimization and digital marketing right now. A lot of people, experts included, are claiming that not only does Google+ have an affect on rankings, it is one of the most important ranking factors going. Other people, also experts […]

Google Adds Manual Actions Viewer for When Your Site is Penalized

As you all know, educated bunch that you are, when Google wants you to fix some webspam that’s within your control, they send you an email about manual webspam actions to take. Now though, Google is expanding upon that procedure and making it even easier to address manual webspam actions on your sites. As of this week, all you have […]

Google Accounts for 25% of Internet Traffic

When it comes to search, everyone knows that Google is king. They just dominate the game in every way, with other companies like Bing and Yahoo scrambling to pick up the scraps. Well, it turns out that Google is dominating more than just search. A newly published study is showing that Google is involved with over twenty-five percent of ALL […]

A Surprise Panda Update for July 2013

“giant-panda-mother-and-cub-molong-nature-reserve-china-pictures” ©2011 by mrs.gsoell is licensed under CC BY 2.0 It was a just a couple short months ago that Google told us we wouldn’t have to worry about Panda updates for awhile. They claimed that Panda was being worked into the rolling algorithm updates and there would be no more specific “Panda” labeled action. Well, Google is already going back on […]

Partial Match Domains Get Hit

Late in June, Google announced that we were going to see a slow moving update across all of their networks (domestic and international.) We’ve been monitoring changes, and since the end of the month we’ve seen one major trend emerge among the ever shifting search results. It appears as though partially matched domains are losing much of their luster. Let’s […]

Google Local Carousel

Google has been testing what they call their “Local Carousel” for the past couple months, and today it is officially going live. It’s the same top of page scroller you’ve been seeing on tablets for the past year, but now it’s on your browser for your local related searches. Lets take a look at what it is and what it […]

Images and AdWords

Google, never content to rest on their laurels, is going back to AdWords to give it another boost. This time they’re trying to spruce up the ads themselves with the introduction of images into their paid results. When it comes to advertising, images are always a huge boon, so this is sure to have an affect on SEM and SEO moving forwards.

Google Authorship is the Future

Google authorship ties your content together with your Google+ account. The result is that Google takes you as an author into account when delivering search results (for a comprehensive view, check out this article on Google authorship). It was important when we wrote about it a couple months ago, and it’s only getting more important by the day. This week, […]

How to Run Advertorials and Not Get Penalized

SEO is all about driving traffic to your website, but what do you do once you’ve built up that larger audience? You’re going to want to start making that website do work for you. For some people, that means monetizing your site with advertorials. There’s nothing wrong with this, and plenty of people make their livings off of advertorials on […]