
10 Links that Google Doesn’t Like (Part 1)

We talk a lot about what Google doesn’t like, and you can find that advice spread across our blog. Recently, we’ve been getting some more requests for types of links that are (more or less) officially disliked by Google, so we have assembled this list for quick reference when you’re doing SEO link building. Here’s the first half of the […]

Facebook Releases Advertising HUB for your Business’s Social Media

Over the course of this last year, Facebook has proven itself to be a viable advertising platform. They’ve increased the total adspace on users’ feeds and have also gotten better at targeting those ads with graph search. The only problem has been that Facebook’s ad creation center has been pretty weak. It was usable, but it was not intuitive or […]

Zombies! Zombies Everywhere!

We know that search engine optimization moves pretty fast, and it definitely moves faster than zombies. To be clear, I’m talking about the traditional Romero Night of the Living Dead zombies here, not those sprinters from newer movies (so unrealistic!) Still, every day, more and more people are letting themselves get turned into SEO zombies, overtaken by old techniques and […]

Mobile is the Winner in Facebook Marketing

Facebook advertising it’s a difficult field to navigate. People aren’t sure what to trust and what actually has any positive affect at all. Basically though, you can break it down into two categories: running ads for likes and running ads for sales. Running ads for likes is not worth it. People argue about the exact numbers, but the consensus is […]

Google Accounts for 25% of Internet Traffic

When it comes to search, everyone knows that Google is king. They just dominate the game in every way, with other companies like Bing and Yahoo scrambling to pick up the scraps. Well, it turns out that Google is dominating more than just search. A newly published study is showing that Google is involved with over twenty-five percent of ALL […]

A Surprise Panda Update for July 2013

“giant-panda-mother-and-cub-molong-nature-reserve-china-pictures” ©2011 by mrs.gsoell is licensed under CC BY 2.0 It was a just a couple short months ago that Google told us we wouldn’t have to worry about Panda updates for awhile. They claimed that Panda was being worked into the rolling algorithm updates and there would be no more specific “Panda” labeled action. Well, Google is already going back on […]

Where Do We Share? (Infographic)

No one likes beating a dead horse. There’s no joy in it, no glory in whaling away on some poor equine. You don’t like it, the people around you don’t like it, the horse (being dead) is indifferent, but you can be sure his horse-ghost is horse-frowning in horse-heaven. Still, sometimes it needs to be done, so I’ll say it […]

Are You Organic?

Going green is the trend right now, but being environmentally friendly isn’t the only way that you can go organic. You’re presented with another organic choice every day when you use Google. The top two results represent that corporate choice, the paid listings. The rest of the results are the great wild beyond, also known as the organic listings. For […]

Easier Way to Share Instagram

Instagram is a great way to take interesting pictures for your business, and we’ve covered it’s usefulness before. That utility has only grown in recent weeks with the introduction of short videos to the app. Now, you can take pictures and videos and apply stylish filters all within the same program. There has always been a problem with the social […]

Will Website Downtimes Hurt Your Rankings?

Downtime is a dirty word amongst a lot of webmasters. Any time your site is down, that’s time you’re not getting new visitors, not making new sales, and not collecting new leads. Occasionally, though, downtime is a necessary evil. Things need to be updated and tweaked and mistakes happen. While downtime is always bad for your following, is it just […]

Social Media for the Fringe

As we wrote about just last week, social media is one of the most important ranking factors in all of SEO. You need to create interesting content and then you need to syndicate that content across all of your social networks, creating a web of followers that boosts your overall brand. This is easy if you’re in certain verticals, like […]

Watch Your Language: Cryptomnesia

Cryptomnesia has been on my mind a lot lately. In the course of reading dozens of marketing blog and writing hundreds of marketing words every day, it’s definitely a looming threat to myself, and everyone else in the industry. Cryptomnesia occurs when you remember something you’ve read or seen in the past, but your brain interprets it as something new […]

Fight Digital Cart Abandonment (Infographic)

We have covered how important landing pages are time and time again. If you’re involved in any sort of website marketing, you know the power of landing pages, and how simple tweaks can make the different between conversion and abandonment. These same landing page techniques can also be applied to your online store to prevent people from abandoning not just […]

Freedom and the 4th

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate our freedom as a country. We have cookouts, we drink beers, we set off fireworks, and we spend time with our loved ones. It’s usually one of my favorite days of the year, but so far, 2013 hasn’t given us a lot of freedom to celebrate. It’s been a strange time […]