
The Dangers of Content Stitching

Today we have another interesting bit of content news from the immortal Matt Cutts (may Google bless his name). In the latest installment of the Google Webmaster Video series, Matt talks about content stitching. If you’ve never heard of that, don’t worry, because you’ve definitely seen it. Content stitching is the practice of taking snippets of content from other websites […]

Microsoft and Bing Moving to Keyword (Not Provided)

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the keyword (not provided) ordeal that has been increasingly plaguing users of Google Analytics. Pretty much every single blog that talks about digital marketing (including this one) has had multiple articles about not provided and what it may mean. Of all the suggested workarounds, one of the more popular was to start […]

Maximize the Impact of Facebook Ads by Knowing the Facts [Infographic]

  Facebook Ads have become a valuable asset to incorporate into your Facebook marketing strategies. Although, you can still be seen on Facebook without using Ads on your Facebook Page, you are leaving it to chance that people will find you, better yet; that the RIGHT people will find you. A Facebook Pages’ best bet is to utilize Facebook Ads […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

This year, all of us here at Wikimotive would just like to say thanks. Thanks to all the readers of this blog who inspire us to get up daily and write about the industry. Thanks to everyone who calls and emails us just to talk about the digital marketing game in all of its aspects. Thanks to our customers who […]

Mobile Commerce Stats (Infographic)

We recently talked about responsive design and what it means for your business moving forwards. The fact is that people are using traditional computers less and smartphones and tablets more often. Now, this is definitely turning into a gray area. What separates a tablet like the Microsoft Surface from a full fledged computer? Not much, really. This gray area will […]

History of a Hashtag (Infographic)

Have you ever wondered where the noble hashtag came from? Those of you who weren’t born with a cell phone surgically grafted to your fore-limbs may remember when it was called the pound sign on the old-fashioned Graham Bell talkies. Then, the quiet and unassuming four lines were taken by the Internet and have now become the worldwide sign for […]

The Value of a Pin

Pinterest is a strange egg, there’s no doubt about it. I know a lot of businesses who are tearing their hair out trying to understand how certain brands are killing it making a profit on the social pinning site where all you do is virtually stick virtual images on virtual boards. To these people I say that you don’t have […]

LinkedIn Showcase Pages

LinkedIn has been in a strange position for awhile now. They’re trying to be the Facebook of the professional world, but they’ve been constantly stymied by the fact that Facebook is also trying to be the Facebook of the professional world. Luckily for LinkedIn, they managed to firmly entrench themselves in the professional profile niche, and Facebook has had no […]

Surviving the Not Provided Apocalypse (Infographic)

We’ve written here a few times recently about the [not provided] epidemic at Google and what it means for SEO, but the hits just keep on coming. We’re still getting emails to this day asking what the not provided (I’m not writing the stupid brackets every time) means for SEO and digital marketing, and our default response has sort of […]

Stop Over Complicating Social Media and Start Targeting Your Audience

It seems like targeting your audience has been designated to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) only, by utilizing keywords and tags that target people within their area or those searching for their products.  In many instances businesses have unfortunately left target marketing to that part of Internet Marketing alone. Although SEO is important in its own right, your business can compound […]

Commenting Without Spamming

Commenting has been a big part of SEO for awhile now. That’s not to say it’s a good part (it’s not) but it’s very popular, far more popular than it should be. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of running a blog has gotten comments along the lines of, “wow great content, I feel very  enlightened by what you […]

Google’s Gibberish Patent

Google is cracking down on gibberish. Not the fake language you used with your friends in middle school, but the nonsensical writing you find all over the web as people try and fill out their pages with lots and lots of content. Of course, experts will tell you that you need quality content for SEO (and they’re right) but that motto of […]

Adding Your Blog to Alltop

Adding Your Blog to Alltop

Have you ever thought about submitting your blog to Alltop? If you’re doing SEO right, you have a blog, and more exposure for said blog can only ever be a good thing. Alltop is an “online magazine rack” that brings together blogs from all different fields. It aggregates all of these different blogs into categories and delivers them on one […]

10 Great SEO Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is an incredibly versatile platform. These days, it’s for a lot more than just blogs, too. Many businesses run their entire sites on WordPress, and it’s a great idea for a lot of reasons. Namely, it’s customizable, easy to use, free to setup, and it’s pretty well loved by Google. All in all, WordPress is just naturally pretty great […]