
Three Big Pinterest Expansions

Guess who is already back in the headlines making waves in the social media marketing world? It’s Pinterest! (You don’t get any credit if you read the title, that’s cheating.) That’s right, the social pinboard site is expanding again, this time bringing three pretty interesting user experience offers to the table. Let’s take a look at what they are and what […]

Facebook Adds Trending

Facebook is on the bleeding edge, the hippest of the hip and the newest of the new, that’s why this week they decided to officially roll out a new feature that has only been on Twitter for oh, about…forever? We are, of course, talking about the new trending function. Some of you may have seen this phase in and out […]

Google Fights Bad Ads

Google is constantly battling back the tide of shoddy ads and outright scams being posted as ads on their network every hour of every day. According to Google itself, they pulled over 350 million bad ads from their service in 2013, a significant amount more than the 224 million they pulled down in 2012. Are more bad ads being uploaded? […]

The Assassination of the Car Dealer by the Cowardly Website Vendor

I’m writing today because a serious fraud is being perpetrated on virtually all car dealers, the scope of which seems to be far greater than any I’ve encountered before. What seemed at first to be merely a bad SEO practice, now seems to amount to copyright infringement, a willful attempt to harm dealers while profiting from them, and perhaps even […]

New App from Twitter Cofounder

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the world, and now Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is trying to make lightning strike twice. Mr. Stone left the Twitter corporation a little while back, and he’s been working on a new top secret social project. There wasn’t a lot of news about his work, but now he’s finished and […]

5 Bold Digital Marketing Predictions for 2014 (Using the Doritos Locos Tacos Boldness Index)

2014 is here, and I wanted to join in with the leagues of digital marketing writers offering their predictions for the new year. To give things a little perspective, I’m ranking my bold predictions using the Doritos Locos Tacos Boldness Index (Doritos Locos Tacos being known for their bold flavor). Bold Prediction 1: Google Analytics Data will move to 99% […]

Pinterest Strengthens Search

Pinterest has been growing in popularity month over month, but that hasn’t stopped them from expanding their product. Much like Facebook, the pin-board social network keeps making changes large and small as it grows, trying to deliver the best product possible to both its users and advertisers. Today, they have made a large step forward by acquiring the search-focused company […]

Is Your Social Media Focused on the Right Numbers?

I’ve been talking to a lot of people about social media, and I’ve come to realize that some people have lost sight of the real goal of social media marketing. That is to say, they have completely forgotten about the “marketing” part. Yes, the social part is important, and of course you want to grow your fan base across Facebook, […]

Pew Internet Life Survey Numbers for Social Networks

Last week the Pew Internet and American Life Project released some new data, and today we want to share a little bit of that data with you, specifically the data pertaining to the way Americans are using social networks. It’s no surprise that Facebook is still dominating the social scene overall (despite all the people claiming they’re sick of the […]

Great Facebook Photo Size Guide

How is your business page set up on Facebook? If you are like a lot of other businesses out there, you probably set up your page initially and haven’t paid much attention to the imagery you used since then. It’s kind of like the paintings in your own house, right? You see them all the time, day in and day […]

Rap Genius Fallout

Yesterday we wrote about Rap Genius and the penalty they incurred by trying to game Google’s system with questionable SEO. Essentially, they were trying (and succeeding) to bribe people to give them links with very specific, very rich anchor text and Google brought down the penalty hammer on their entire domain. Now, they don’t even rank for their own name, […]