Author: Wikimotive LLC


If you’ve been following the digital marketing blogosphere for the last week, by now you’ve probably concluded that SEO is dead because within 3 months there will be no more keyword data in Google Analytics. Right? Its the end of SEO. No more measuring. No more valuable data. Its Adwords or nothing.  Let’s just stop the madness right now. This […]

Bing’s New Design

Early on in 2013, Bing gave us a preview of what the future could hold for the search engine. Now, we’re seeing that preview come to fruition. It’s a whole new look and feel for Bing, and even though it feels very strange to say…we think we like it. Let’s take a look at what’s different and how it may […]

ComScores for August 2013

It’s the 12th of the month, and you know what that means, don’t you? It’s time for the monthly ComScore data! It’s so exciting, it should pretty much be a holiday, one of the good ones where you don’t have to show up for work. Alas, it’s not, so you’re working and so are we, but we can still have […]

Increase Traffic with SEO in 2013 (Infographic)

Increasing traffic is the high-level goal of pretty much every website. Whether you’re there to entertain, sell, or teach, more eyes on the page is the paramount objective. SEO is a great tool for building up your traffic, but really, SEO is a pretty big term that includes a lot of little things. Writing content can be a part of […]

Does Google Penalize Scripts that Pull Search Queries?

Today we have another wonderful video from Matt Cutts over at Google. For a change of pace this time around (sarcasm), Matt is talking about something that will get you penalized.  Specifically, it’s a sketchy SEO technique that’s been around forever, but only seems to be getting more popular (despite being obviously sketchy). Let’s take a look at what it […]

Google’s [Not Provided] is Crippling Analytics

Have you ever checked your analytics for organic search traffic? If you’re involved in SEO, of course the answer is yes, so you have probably been noticing a disturbing trend. In your organic search query data, the [not provided] number is growing…and growing…and growing. The amount of usable, actionable analytics data is dwindling, being replaced by the [not provided] monster. […]

Official Bing Statement: 25 Things They Love and Hate for SEO

  This week, we got an update from Duane Forrester. Apparently, mister Forrester is the Bing equivalent of Google’s Matt Cutts. He’s the director of Webmaster Tools instead of Webspam, and his name isn’t as catchy, but they share the spokesman role for their respective search engines. Duane isn’t as active as Matt, but he’s been doing more and more […]

July ComScores for 2013

It’s that time again, time to review the ComScores for the previous month and see who is winning (probably Google) and who is teetering on the brink of complete and utter extinction (definitely AOL.) There aren’t any big surprises that will rock the SEO world, but there are some shifts that indicate interesting patterns. Let’s take a look at the […]

Google Adds Manual Actions Viewer for When Your Site is Penalized

As you all know, educated bunch that you are, when Google wants you to fix some webspam that’s within your control, they send you an email about manual webspam actions to take. Now though, Google is expanding upon that procedure and making it even easier to address manual webspam actions on your sites. As of this week, all you have […]

2013 Local Search Ranking Factors

Local search is one of the most important aspects of search. A good local search strategy can be the difference between complete success and abysmal failure for a small business operating on the local or regional level. The problem is that Google switches up what matters so often, these small business are often left in a state of constant worry. […]

10 Links that Google Doesn’t Like (Part 1)

We talk a lot about what Google doesn’t like, and you can find that advice spread across our blog. Recently, we’ve been getting some more requests for types of links that are (more or less) officially disliked by Google, so we have assembled this list for quick reference when you’re doing SEO link building. Here’s the first half of the […]

A Surprise Panda Update for July 2013

“giant-panda-mother-and-cub-molong-nature-reserve-china-pictures” ©2011 by mrs.gsoell is licensed under CC BY 2.0 It was a just a couple short months ago that Google told us we wouldn’t have to worry about Panda updates for awhile. They claimed that Panda was being worked into the rolling algorithm updates and there would be no more specific “Panda” labeled action. Well, Google is already going back on […]

Are You Organic?

Going green is the trend right now, but being environmentally friendly isn’t the only way that you can go organic. You’re presented with another organic choice every day when you use Google. The top two results represent that corporate choice, the paid listings. The rest of the results are the great wild beyond, also known as the organic listings. For […]