
Google Rankings and Co-Occurrence

If you listen to the SEO experts, then you know that the industry is ALWAYS about to experience a significant shift. Usually this is just an algorithm update from Google, but sometimes it’s bigger than that. Sometimes, people predict changes that will truly alter the fundamental techniques that we have traditionally used to do business.

Facebook’s New ROI Measuring Tool

One of trickiest parts of  social media marketing has traditionally been measuring return on investment.  It has made many business owners, especially those who didn’t grow us using internet, wary of spending too much time or money on these nontraditional methods. Facebook recognizes this problem, and they’re going out of their way to fix it. They want your money, and […]

Happy Thanksgiving From Wikimotive

Well it’s that time of year again ladies and gentleman, another beautiful day of eating far too much and watching football is upon us! That’s right it’s Thanksgiving day and there is much to be thankful for. Whether you plan to spend your day with family or friends or just by yourself laying out your battle plan for Black Friday […]

Bing Webmaster Guidelines

Bing remains slightly inscrutable to many people. Due to Google’s overwhelming domination in the search engine market, Bing is often forgotten about entirely. Don’t let Microsoft’s brainchild remain a mystery to you though, because there is help! This week, Microsoft has (finally) released a list of Bing Webmaster Guidelines, “intended to help your content be found and indexed within Bing.” […]

Image SEO Overview

It’s common to spend so much time trying to get pages to rank that we overlook the images we use on said pages. Sometimes, it’s just as important for a search engine optimization strategy to focus on a single image as it is to rank an entire page. So let’s go back to some SEO fundamentals and review what it takes to […]

Paying to go Viral

The value of having one of your videos go viral is hard to measure accurately but there’s no doubt it’s a huge boon for your brand. To get that kind of spread is hard to achieve though, you could make hundreds of videos all designed to go viral and get nowhere. On the other hand, you can make one video […]

Groupon For SEO?

Sometimes great SEO techniques aren’t invented, they are discovered accidentally. In that vein, today I want to take a look at a new linkbuilding technique for local internet marketing that a few different experts have been kicking around lately. It may be a surprise, but the idea is focused entirely around Groupon.

New Set Of Updates For Foursquare

Foursquare has quietly been making moves that will have a major impact on local businesses and local internet marketing. The service is already used to check in at a variety of places, and now their reach will be expanding. The first new feature is the explore option for non-registered users, and the attached ratings update. Explore lets users search for

Facebook Developing A Want Button

Last week we wrote an article about Facebook’s new Wi-Fi program. This week, we want to talk about one of the other new interesting features that the social network is testing. This one aims to shorten the sales funnel between Facebook and the businesses that advertise on it, hopefully making marketing using Facebook more effective.

Facebook’s New Wi-Fi Program

Facebook is aggressively pursuing its goal of being completely ubiquitous. Every time it seems that they have started to plateau, they find a new spire to climb. The social network’s newest stunt is their most interesting yet, with wide-ranging implications for the future of public internet access, and for businesses social media marketing.

Should You Hire A Ghostwriter?

Itʼs pretty much a universally known fact in the industry that blogging is a vital part of any search engine optimization strategy. Everyone understands you need a blog, the trouble comes from figuring out just who exactly is going to write it. Should you handle it in-house or should you have it ghostwritten? There are ups and downs to both […]

Politics and Negative Matching

Politics and Negative Matching

Well, it looks like Mitt Romney wasn’t able to knock out the incumbent Barack Obama. Whether this news makes you celebrate or despair, there are lessons to be learned from how both sides managed their internet marketing during the campaign. I’ve covered a few of them during the race, and now I’d like to cover the most recent digital gaffe.

Social Media and The Workplace

How does your company handle the social media accounts of employees? In the past, it wasn’t really an issue, but every day it becomes more of a problem. Employers want to know about their employees, and employees want their personal lives to stay private. How do you navigate these muddy waters? It’s truly a challenge, one that is only going […]

Should you schedule posts?

People often times ask if they should schedule their social content posting when marketing with Twitter and Facebook. The short answer is yes, you should certainly schedule. Depending on your industry, there are times of day that see more activity than others, and scheduling ensures you hit those times of day. There are a myriad of services that offer post […]

Meta Description Tag Overview

We’ve been covering some pretty broad social topics here lately, so for today we wanted to go back to one of the basic elements of search engine optimization that people seem to overlook all too often: the meta description tag. It’s only an armful of words, but those words can make or break the success of your site.

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