
Images and AdWords

Google, never content to rest on their laurels, is going back to AdWords to give it another boost. This time they’re trying to spruce up the ads themselves with the introduction of images into their paid results. When it comes to advertising, images are always a huge boon, so this is sure to have an affect on SEM and SEO moving forwards.

Google Authorship is the Future

Google authorship ties your content together with your Google+ account. The result is that Google takes you as an author into account when delivering search results (for a comprehensive view, check out this article on Google authorship). It was important when we wrote about it a couple months ago, and it’s only getting more important by the day. This week, […]

Yahoo Gets a Facelift…No One Cares

Yahoo has been making moves lately. Last week we wrote about how they are trying to acquire Hulu to give themselves a foothold in the streaming video business, and this week they unleashed a facelift for their search engine results. Is it a stunning new look that’s going to completely change the search engine game? Are you or your SEO firm going […]

Google’s 200 Ranking Factors (Infographic)

We all know that Google has a pretty complicated algorithm they use to evaluate websites, so any insight we can gain into their proces is a huge boon. Even some SEO experts don’t know all the little ins and outs of Google’s thought process. For instance, did you know that you can be penalized based on WHOIS content?  Were you […]

How to Run Advertorials and Not Get Penalized

SEO is all about driving traffic to your website, but what do you do once you’ve built up that larger audience? You’re going to want to start making that website do work for you. For some people, that means monetizing your site with advertorials. There’s nothing wrong with this, and plenty of people make their livings off of advertorials on […]

Facebook Adds Verified Accounts

Facebook is getting into the the account verification business this week. Now, you can currently verify your account on your own by giving a phone number, but this new verification is a little different. It’s essentially a copy of Twitters verification system, where popular public figures who may be impersonated are given a check mark to establish their credibility. Lets […]

Yahoo Trying to Purchase Hulu

Yahoo is like the last of the great dinosaurs. It’s head, once proudly held high over creation, now dragging through the mud and dirt at the end of its ineffectual neck. They’ve been making moves, trying to change their internal structure to grow, but those haven’t seen much result. Their new tactic is buying up properties (like Tumblr for 1.1 […]

The Death of SEO?

The Panda update has hit. The Penguin update has hit. The sky is falling for SEO practitioners all over the digital world and we’re starting to see the rise of the doomsayers. “SEO IS LOST!” they holler, sandwich board firmly affixed. “Beware the Google apocalypse,” they cry, forcing you to take a leaflet when you’re just trying to walk to […]

Happy Memorial Day 2013!

Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer, but it’s also the day for remembering the men and women who sacrificed their lives serving in the armed forces. A simple “thank you” will never be enough to express our gratitude, so we celebrate to remember why they were willing to give all: our families, our friends, and our freedoms. […]

Social Media Marketing Losing its Way (Infographic)

When social media first hit the scene, it was pretty much ignored by marketers. After all, why should they care where teenagers go to complain about their parents? They quickly realized their mistake though, and embraced social media as a great avenue to interact with fans. It was the only venue where you could advertise, receive immediate feedback, and then […]

YouTube Turns 8

YouTube has been the goto source for videos for pretty much everyone on the planet these past few years. It’s simple, functional, open to the public, and free. What more could you ask for? This week, the social video network is turning eight years old, and they’re introducing an interesting new mechanic that could change how they operate moving forward. […]

Swinging with Vine

Have you started using Vine? Have you even heard of Vine? It was released this year on January 24th, and it caught on with a speed that most fledgling social networks could only dream of. With Vine, you create vines, essentially the video version of Tweets. They’re 6 second videos you edit together within the app, and they’re just what […]

Blogging Longhand

All too often when we sit at the computer, we aren’t writing, we’re typing. It’s a subtle distinction but it’s an important one. Do you ever stare at your screen and know you need to get something down so you just hammer it out? Worse yet, do you ever stare at the screen, knowing you need to get something down, […]

Google Hammers Several Thousand Link Sellers Overnight

Google Hammers Several Thousand Link Sellers Overnight

Are you still paying for links? It doesn’t matter where or how many, if you’re paying for even a single link it’s time to get rid of it. Remember earlier this week when we wrote about Google’s plan for the next couple months? Part of that plan was to aggressively pursue link buyers and sellers, and it’s only been a […]

Google Penguin 2.0 Imminent

Do you follow Matt Cutts on Twitter? If you don’t, you really should go follow him. He posts updates about Google’s policy and algorithm updates that could have major reprecussions on your business. Just this week, he wrote that Goole Penguin’s 2.0 version was imminent for release. What does this mean for your digital marketing for business efforts?