
How AI Overviews Will (or Won’t) Impact Your Dealership

How AI Overviews Will (or Won’t) Impact Your Dealership

Google has changed the game yet again. No, there wasn’t another algorithm update, not yet, at least. However, a major change has been made to search engine results pages (SERPs). You may have seen it, you may have used it, and you may have grown to fear it: AI Overviews, formally known as SGE (Search Generative Experience). This new SERP […]

Dealers: Here’s How to Avoid Missed Opportunities

Dealers: Here’s How to Avoid Missed Opportunities

If you only look at how your dealership ranks within your city, you’re likely missing out on tons of leads. One of the most important pieces to an automotive SEO strategy is measuring and improving rankings over distance. You may hold the #1 spot for those important “Ford dealership” and “used Ford dealership” keywords when searching from your store’s location, […]

2 Recent Automotive SEO Changes You Need to Know About

2 Recent Automotive SEO Changes You Need to Know About

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: SEO (search engine optimization) is constantly changing. And while it is an essential piece of a dealership’s marketing strategy, not everyone has time to keep up with the constant change. For me, though? Well, that’s my job. So, in an effort to keep everyone on the same page, I’ve put together […]

Breaking Down the Search Engine Results Page

Breaking Down the Search Engine Results Page

The world of auto dealership marketing often surrounds the search engine results page (SERP). This is inevitable as most people looking to purchase a car will perform some kind of Google search. However, the SERP is an intricate thing with many pieces to consider. In our recent video, What You Don’t Know About Search, Zach Billings, VP of Performance and […]

Car Dealers, Be Aware of This SERP Change

Car Dealers, Be Aware of This SERP Change

If you’ve noticed a big change in your rankings for model-related keywords over the last few months, this one goes out to you. As we all know, Google is constantly changing. While these changes often make the search experience better for users, they can be a pain for those of us chasing that number one spot on the search engine […]

A Decrease in Organic Traffic Isn’t Always Detrimental – Here’s Why

A Decrease in Organic Traffic Isn’t Always Detrimental – Here’s Why

We’ve all felt it: That heavy blow to the chest when you look at your Google Analytics and see data signifying a decrease in your website’s organic traffic. This is especially disappointing when you’ve put extra effort into your SEO strategy. Maybe you’ve been doing in-depth keyword research and crafting a content strategy around your findings. Maybe you’ve been mapping […]

How the Keywords You Target Can Impact Your Data

How the Keywords You Target Can Impact Your Data

It is very possible that you are looking at an inflated version of your website’s traffic without even realizing it. And I’m not talking about Google Analytics 4 nuances or data filters. I’m talking about how the keywords you or your vendor are targeting may be giving you a false sense of growth. This is because not all traffic is […]

Conversions vs False Conversions in GA4

Conversions vs False Conversions in GA4

As you develop a marketing strategy, it is imperative that you periodically look at your data, determine your success stories, and find places where your efforts could use improvement. It has been six months since the implementation of GA4, and you and your team may have noticed some differences in your conversions, from the type recorded to the frequency. This […]

GA4 • Six Months Later

GA4 • Six Months Later

This past July, the digital marketing world experienced a shockwave that was felt throughout the automotive industry and in many other industries as well. Universal Analytics (GA3) was sunsetted across the horizon, and a new version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), was introduced. The creation and overall validity of this new version of Google Analytics stemmed from increasingly more intense privacy […]

GBP DIY Video Series – December Recap

GBP DIY Video Series – December Recap

The month of December brought an end to the GBP DIY video series. But the good news is that the month also brought a ton of interesting and important topics to the table. Josh went over some of the best practices for reputation and reviews management, how to manage your Q&A section, and the ways you can set your dealership […]

Surveying the AI Landscape: A 2023 Update for Automotive Dealers

Surveying the AI Landscape: A 2023 Update for Automotive Dealers

As we prepare to say goodbye to 2023, there’s one thing that we know is coming with us into 2024: artificial intelligence (AI). With its growing force of chatbots, image generators, and tools, the world of AI continues to present both opportunities and challenges for automotive dealers in the digital landscape. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the advancements […]

GBP | Questions & Answers

GBP | Questions & Answers

Here we go, another quick one. Your customers have questions. You have answers. Pretty simple right? Here’s the thing, though…other people have answers to, and Google gives them the means of answering those questions if you don’t get to them first. This, of course, opens to the door to our old friend, Misinformation…so, pay attention. Here we are on the […]

GBP | The Importance of Reviews

GBP | The Importance of Reviews

Do you want the good news or the bad news, first? The good news is that this is a relatively short episode. The bad news is, when it comes to how you rank in local search, it really does matter what people are saying about your dealership. So, let’s talk ‘Reviews’. By now, regular viewers are pretty familiar with this: […]

Move Forward (Or Fall Behind): The Evolution of Automotive Marketing

Move Forward (Or Fall Behind): The Evolution of Automotive Marketing

In the ever-changing landscape of automotive sales, car dealerships are increasingly turning to specialized marketing agencies to fuel their success. As the industry embraces the digital era, forward-looking marketing professionals navigate constant updates while steering dealerships toward unprecedented growth. Join us as we look at some outdated practices falling by the wayside and explore how car dealership marketing agencies are […]

GBP DIY Video Series – November Recap

GBP DIY Video Series – November Recap

Last month, Josh covered a number of Google Business Profile (GBP) basics, from how to log into your account to how to get verified. This month, he dove even further into the deep end to teach you how to really get the most out of this tool. If you missed any of the episodes, don’t fret. I’ve got you covered […]

GBP Listings | How to Properly Nest Departments

GBP Listings | How to Properly Nest Departments

“Department nesting”… what is it? It’s the act of making sure that Google is aware that the various department listings you’ve created are associated with your dealership’s primary sales listing. For this week’s episode we’re going to revisit the actual dealer listings we used as an example last week, remembering to obscure and protect their data – just in case […]

The Importance of Managing Your Google Business Profile Reputation

The Importance of Managing Your Google Business Profile Reputation

Your Google Business Profile is one of the most impactful online tools your business will have at its disposal. It’s a one-stop shop for potential customers to get high-level information about your business and a way to contact a representative without navigating through an unfamiliar website and searching for a phone number or contact form. Data from your Google Business […]

GBP Listings | Entering Business Information

GBP Listings | Entering Business Information

Get comfortable, and make yourself a snack, friends…because this topic is a big one, in terms of both importance and scope. At this point, we’re going to assume you’ve already created or claimed all of your listings, verified them, and identified all of your departments. Today, we’re going to talk about your business information and – for our onscreen examples […]

GBP DIY Video Series – October Recap

GBP DIY Video Series – October Recap

It has been an exciting few weeks for us here at Wikimotive. We launched an all-new video series featuring Support & Special Projects Manager Josh Billings. In the series, Josh takes us through the various pieces that go into successfully managing your Google Business Profile (GBP). This month, he covered what GBP is, why it’s important, how to manage a […]

GBP Listings | Verification

GBP Listings | Verification

Last week, we covered the identification and creation stages of managing your GBP listings. In doing so, we covered the difference between claiming & creating a listing, then left off at the verification stage. So, guess where we’re picking things up this week! That’s right! So, what do we mean by “verification”? Simply put, it’s Google’s process for confirming that […]