
Should I optimize for things I already rank for?

Should I optimize for things I already rank for?

If you’re already ranking well for a particular search query, should you stop optimizing for it? Let’s say you’re doing a great job on writing content. You’ve done some quality keyword research. You’re tracking your progress. You’re seeing that the page in question is ranking really well for a number of keywords that you find important to my business. Do […]

How should I perform keyword research?

How should I perform keyword research?

So, you want to perform keyword research to create higher quality content for consumers in your area? I’m just so damn proud of you right now. Fire up your laptop. Now, there are a lot of paid tools out there that will help you in your keyword research, and we use any number of them depending on our goals, but […]

Keyword Research: Where Do I Start?

Keyword Research: Where Do I Start?

Keywords. We all know we want to rank for them, but determining which ones matter most is a mix of art and elbow grease. Stick with me as we wade into the shallow end of the keyword research pool, and pretty soon, you’ll be ready to swim with the sharks. Before discussing research tools and competitive landscapes, let’s start by […]

Will ChatGPT have an effect on SEO?

Will ChatGPT have an effect on SEO?

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So how should AI tools like ChatGPT influence your SEO? Great question. Now, will ChatGPT change SEO, and are there ways that you can leverage this to improve the efficacy of your practices.Yes, and yes. So, let’s get down to it. To start, we’re in the early days […]

Should I hire an outside SEO provider?

Should I hire an outside SEO provider?

SEO, handle it in house, hire an outside provider? What are the pros and cons? Well, meet my two friends: time and money. Start by asking yourself, “how much time do I have?” If the answer is anything like, “None. I’m jam packed”, well…you don’t have time for search engine optimization. Now, ask yourself, “can I afford to hire one, […]

SEO Climb Video Series – August Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – August Recap

Google’s algorithm updates, big SEO (search engine optimization) uh-ohs, performance analysis, and the timelessness–or lack thereof–of SEO. These are all topics Dave covered in the August episodes of SEO Climb, and you won’t want to miss out on any of this information. If you did happen to miss an episode or two, though, you’re in luck because I put together […]

Will my site’s content stand the test of time?

Will my site’s content stand the test of time?

The Great Wall of China. Baker’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Wu-tang Clan. These things stand the test of time. But what about the content on your site? Will it stand the test of time and should it? The answer is, “it depends”. Some of your content is likely to perform well for a very, very long time – while other content […]

Top 5 Mistakes When Working on SEO

Top 5 Mistakes When Working on SEO

So you’ve been working on your search engine optimization (SEO) for a while now…or maybe you’re just getting started. Either way, you’re probably reading a lot about different automotive marketing solutions, best practices for the industry, and all kinds of tips and tricks for getting ahead. But what about the stuff you shouldn’t be doing? One poor decision can completely […]

How can I tell if a page is performing well?

How can I tell if a page is performing well?

So, you want to know how to determine whether or not a specific page on your side is performing? Grab your laptop and open your Google Analytics 4 account, and we’ll lay it out for you step-by-step. Go into ‘Reports’                   Select the URL that you want to check-out. Going down to […]

Use These Tools to Monitor the Success of Your Automotive Marketing

Use These Tools to Monitor the Success of Your Automotive Marketing

A lot goes into picking out the best automotive marketing solutions for your business, between determining your strategy, figuring out your budget, and putting everything into effect. Whether you focus the majority of your efforts online or are spreading your efforts across digital and traditional platforms, you’ll need to be able to monitor trends in your data and see how […]

What’s the biggest mistake made in SEO?

What’s the biggest mistake made in SEO?

People ask me all the time, “Dave, what’s the number one mistake people make when working on SEO?” And I’m like, “You want me to pick just one?” Oh, you do? Alright. Well, there’s a lot to pick from but, if I’m pressed, I would say that the leading mistake isn’t found within their actual SEO, it’s caused by their […]

How do Google algorithm updates affect me?

How do Google algorithm updates affect me?

So if you’re paying any attention to the internet whatsoever, you’ve probably read some headlines about Google updates, and might be wondering, “How does it affect my website? And do I need to worry about this?” And the answer is, “hopefully not”. If your website and SEO practices haven’t been adhering to Google’s guidelines and best practices (which means that […]

SEO Climb Video Series – July Recap

SEO Climb Video Series – July Recap

Due to popular demand, SEO Climb with Dave Estey is back. In series one, Dave talked about everything from what SEO (search engine optimization) is to how you can identify your online competitors. Now, back for a second series, he is getting more in-depth and going over more important SEO topics. In July, he touched on how much time you […]

What if I’m not seeing results from my SEO?

What if I’m not seeing results from my SEO?

Last week, we talked about how you should wait roughly six months before you judge the efficacy of your SEO strategy. Now, this naturally leads into the follow-up question, “Hey, it’s been six months since I did this SEO work. I’m not seeing any real increase in my performance. Should I change something up or should I just stop?” Well, […]

Differences Between GA4 & Universal Analytics

Differences Between GA4 & Universal Analytics

In case you or your marketing team have missed the countless notifications, emails, and articles about it, Universal Analytics officially became a thing of the past on July 1, 2023, giving way to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest data measurement tool offered by Google. Whether you just made the switch at the end of the month or you created […]

How often should I update my SEO strategy?

How often should I update my SEO strategy?

Is it time to update your SEO strategy yet? What about now? No? How about now? Still no? Well, what about now? How often should I update my SEO strategy? This is fairly straight forward. You see, Search Engine Optimization is a slow roll and takes time to reach its full effect. For this reason, you’ll hear myself and all their professionals say, “you should wait six months to judge whether something is effective or not”. […]

The Time Has Come: Moving on to GA4

The Time Has Come: Moving on to GA4

Well, folks, the time has officially come. After over ten years of Universal Analytics (UA), it is time to move over to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Technically, you or your digital marketing vendor should have set you up on GA4 a long while ago, allowing you to capture historical data, but if not––it’s important to get on it now. As […]

How much time should I be spending on SEO?

How much time should I be spending on SEO?

How much time should you be spending on SEO? And how should that time be broken out? This is actually a pretty complex question. So we’re gonna get into the weeds a little bit here but (luckily) we brought the weed whacker with us. First, how much time you should spend on SEO is really dependent on doing a full […]

Raising ChatGPT | What to Expect When You’re Expecting AI to Fix Everything

Raising ChatGPT | What to Expect When You’re Expecting AI to Fix Everything

“So, basically…ChatGPT is the equivalent of a 10-year-old with access to the internet.” The summation was a simple one, made during a workshop focused on the promise, prompts, and perils of the AI platform as it relates to automotive marketing. But once uttered, the silently-attentive room of dealer marketers, sales managers, GMs, and dealer principles stirred in unison, sharing in […]

High Performance Video Series – June Recap

High Performance Video Series – June Recap

The June episodes of High Performance wrapped up series two. Zach talked about Performance Max ads, along with other paid advertising opportunities, how to increase fixed ops leads, and even some common reasons you may see an increase in direct traffic to your website. This information allows you to not only learn how to best manage your dealership’s online marketing […]