
Facebook’s New Wi-Fi Program

Facebook is aggressively pursuing its goal of being completely ubiquitous. Every time it seems that they have started to plateau, they find a new spire to climb. The social network’s newest stunt is their most interesting yet, with wide-ranging implications for the future of public internet access, and for businesses social media marketing.

Should You Hire A Ghostwriter?

Itʼs pretty much a universally known fact in the industry that blogging is a vital part of any search engine optimization strategy. Everyone understands you need a blog, the trouble comes from figuring out just who exactly is going to write it. Should you handle it in-house or should you have it ghostwritten? There are ups and downs to both […]

Politics and Negative Matching

Politics and Negative Matching

Well, it looks like Mitt Romney wasn’t able to knock out the incumbent Barack Obama. Whether this news makes you celebrate or despair, there are lessons to be learned from how both sides managed their internet marketing during the campaign. I’ve covered a few of them during the race, and now I’d like to cover the most recent digital gaffe.

Social Media and The Workplace

How does your company handle the social media accounts of employees? In the past, it wasn’t really an issue, but every day it becomes more of a problem. Employers want to know about their employees, and employees want their personal lives to stay private. How do you navigate these muddy waters? It’s truly a challenge, one that is only going […]

Should you schedule posts?

People often times ask if they should schedule their social content posting when marketing with Twitter and Facebook. The short answer is yes, you should certainly schedule. Depending on your industry, there are times of day that see more activity than others, and scheduling ensures you hit those times of day. There are a myriad of services that offer post […]

Meta Description Tag Overview

We’ve been covering some pretty broad social topics here lately, so for today we wanted to go back to one of the basic elements of search engine optimization that people seem to overlook all too often: the meta description tag. It’s only an armful of words, but those words can make or break the success of your site.

Twitter May Be Changing The Favorite Button

Twitter is planning to get rid of their favorite button in favor of something a little more Facebook-y. They want to actually add a tool similar to Facebook’s ‘Like’ tool, which may be use the terms ‘like’ or ‘star’. The company is saying they want to change the wording just to make it seem “lighter weight” but it could still […]

Checking Out Subreddits

You’ve probably heard of It’s a social news website where users can submit links. These links are voted on, either up or down, so that quality posts move towards the first page and other posts fade into obscurity. Usually, Reddit is talked about as a great place to find interesting content, but the site offers more than that. It […]

Diagnosing Your SEO Problem Properly

I’m often getting request from clients to take a look at specific area of their website, where for some reason they may not be getting as much traffic as they would like. There are many great search engine optimization strategies you can use for single pages or sections of your site but thinking this way neglects the more important fundamentals […]

Wikimotive Ebook: Social Link Building

Wikimotive Ebook: Social Link Building

Most businesses understand the benefits of search engine optimization, but many miss out on easy opportunities. Building backlinks is common, but social link building is often overlooked. Social link building enables you to build links that will spread organically, making your site more popular and bettering your position on search engines.

SEMPO Takes Aim At Google

Google has been taking a lot of heat lately for some alleged shady business practices. We told you last week about the FTC’s plan to file an anti-trust case against them, now it seems the non-profit organization SEMPO is trying to get their licks in as well. SEMPO is a professional association working to increase awareness and promote the value […]

So You Think You’re Ready To Do SEO On Your Own?

hese days a lot of businesses are trying to decide if they should handle their own SEO or hire a company to do it for them. In today’s economy everyone is trying to save money but when it comes to SEO sometimes when you think you’re saving money you could really be losing money. Handling your own Automotive dealership search […]

Google’s New Disavow Tool

We all want to manage our online presence, especially when it comes to search engine optimization. Unfortunately, due to the very nature of backlinks, it’s often out of our control. Until now, there hasn’t been an official solution for when you’re bombarded by poor quality links, leading some people to use such links as a tool for negative SEO. With […]

The FTC Looking Into Anti-Trust Case Against Google

The United States FTC is looking into the possibility of pursuing an anti-trust case against search engine giant Google. Sources close to the FTC say that four FTC commissioners “have become convinced after more than a year of investigation that Google illegally used its dominance of the search market to hurt its rivals.” A decision to file a law suit […]

Seven Tips For Spam-Free Email Campaigns

If your company does a lot of mass emailing as part of your automotive internet marketing strategy, it’s important that you’re careful not to fall into the “spam” category. It can be difficult to walk that line between what is acceptable and what is annoying, but it’s important that you’re able to distinguish between the two. When in doubt, you […]