
What is Structured Data?

What is Structured Data?

Last week Sam & Meaghan talked about Meta Descriptions and how they’re a great way to help prospective car-buyers and service customers find the content they’re looking for on your site. Meta descriptions are an essential place to start, but if you really want to get exposure, you’re going to need Schema Data, or as it’s more commonly referred to […]

What are Meta Descriptions?

What are Meta Descriptions?

When working in SEO, you need to optimize for users AND for search engines And there are different ways to do each of those things. But what if we told you there is ONE thing you can do to improve optimization for both? Because guess what? There is! We’re talking about meta descriptions! Meta descriptions are HTML tags that describe […]

Content: Authority vs. Engagement

Content: Authority vs. Engagement

Fair warning, today’s topic might get us in trouble with some of our friends who specialize in social media… but here it goes. Just because your content isn’t “engaging” on social media, doesn’t mean it’s not valuable for your business. Hopefully, we don’t get canceled for sharing this… If you are like us, the majority of the content you will […]

NAP Syndication & Why It’s Important

NAP Syndication & Why It’s Important

When it comes to your dealership’s business, one of the most important things you can do is…well…attract more of it. So…it’s imperative that all of your pertinent information is easy for prospective car buyers to find. That said, you also need to make sure that (i) it’s accurate (ii) that it’s synchronized across all available platforms (iii) that you know […]

Why Your Dealership Needs Reputation Management

Why Your Dealership Needs Reputation Management

Reputation Management… It’s FAR more accurate to call it “PERCEPTION Management” since your prioritization of it (or LACK thereof) will drive public opinion of your dealership’s credibility and its revenue. Whether we’re talking about perception of your operation as a whole – or that of individual departments, or personnel – letting things slide will only HURT your dealership in the […]

How to Perform a Tag Audit

How to Perform a Tag Audit

Tags…whether you realize it or not, you probably hear this expression all the time. Marketing tags, web tags, website tags…these generally all refer to a small piece of code, or a pixel placed on a website to allow the collection of information about the user, hardware and on-site behavior. Tags are powerful and widespread in their installation, but unfortunately, most […]

Own Your Data

Own Your Data

Sometimes it feels like “change” is the only constant in marketing. It’s why it’s so important for dealerships to have continuity when assessing their overall marketing performance, and the effects of any changes they enact. And to ensure that continuity, a dealership needs take ownership of all of their various data sources. What do we mean by “data sources”? We’re […]

5 Steps to Optimize Your Dealership’s Inventory Feed

5 Steps to Optimize Your Dealership’s Inventory Feed

If you have been following JTT you know how crucial a strong social media influence is to a successful marketing campaign. Where is this social media influence going to take flight. FACEBOOK. As many of you may be doing (and if you are not you should be) you can use Facebook’s advertising platform to target potential customers showing them a […]

How to Audit Your Core Web Vitals

How to Audit Your Core Web Vitals

Last week we revisited Core Web Vitals, three relatively new factors that Google takes into consideration when assessing the experience offered to their users, by your dealership’s website. Specifically, we talked about LCP, FID and CLS. Now remember, Google’s primary goal is to ensure a positive user experience, and directs any search query to the site that (i) best answers […]

What are the Most Important Ranking Factors in Local Search?

What are the Most Important Ranking Factors in Local Search?

There’s no such this as a “one-size fits all”, or “set-it-and-forget-it” SEO solution. When we talk about “Organic SEO” it’s important to recognize the reason why we use the term “organic”. It’s because SEO and the algorithms involved are constantly evolving, and your dealership’s strategy needs to evolve with them. Factor in the unique challenges of the automotive space, and […]

Is iOS 14 Affecting Your Ad Spend?

Is iOS 14 Affecting Your Ad Spend?

Hey digital marketers…more than 100 million consumers NOW have the option of limiting your ability to hit them up with targeted ads. So…whatcha gonna do about it? iOS 14 and Consumers When iOs 14 was first rolled out almost six months ago, there was a lot to like: better app organization, customizable widgets, less obtrusive notifications, improved map and translation […]

Machine Learning (SEO Tips to Help Your Dealership Succeed in 2021)

Machine Learning (SEO Tips to Help Your Dealership Succeed in 2021)

Machine learning, what is it? How does it affect me? And does this mean the T1000 is already here? The answer is maybe. On the face of it, machine learning is a complex and often times “scary” subject. But the truth is that machine learning has already been a part of our daily lives for years and you likely didn’t […]

SEO Tips to Help Your Dealership to Succeed in 2021 (Part 2)

SEO Tips to Help Your Dealership to Succeed in 2021 (Part 2)

Last week, we began focusing on SEO Tips to help your dealership succeed in (what we hope will be a post-COVID) 2021. More specifically, to succeed in a world where, every day, online retailers are taking increasingly more aggressive strides to attract prospective car buyers that might otherwise do business with you. And one of the topic we covered was […]

Visual Indicators & The Page Experience Update

Visual Indicators & The Page Experience Update

A few weeks back, we talked about Google’s Broad Core Update which Google rolled out the first week of December. And just before that we had served up an introduction to Core Web Vitals, which were the focal point of Google’s previous update back in May. That said, new year, new game. Not only will those updates have laid the […]

Holiday GMB Tips For Your Dealership

Holiday GMB Tips For Your Dealership

The countdown is on: first Christmas, then New Years, and then we’ll say hello to 2021…all within the next two weeks. Between the craziness of the holidays, and a new year to come, you can bet that prospective car buyers and service customers will be looking you up. But is your GMB listing set up to tell them what they […]

Is Vimeo a Better Platform for Your Dealership’s Videos?

Is Vimeo a Better Platform for Your Dealership’s Videos?

Just a couple weeks ago, I was one of 70+ automotive marketing professionals invited to speak at the Automotive Analytics and Attribution Summit, and we had an awesome session on the growing importance of video content to dealerships like yours. But, after discussing the pros and cons of Facebook vs. YouTube as video posting platforms, a question arose. What about […]

What is a Featured Snippet?

What is a Featured Snippet?

When it comes to any of the topics that we cover here on “Just the Tip”, we can all gain important vantage points and valuable insights when we discard our professional roles and approach each topic from the perspective of the consumer. So put on your consumer hat, and imagine that you’re a car buyer, performing a search for the […]

What You Need to Know About Core Web Vitals Before 2021

What You Need to Know About Core Web Vitals Before 2021

Last week we just happened to revisit Aaron’s recent three-part series on the importance of User Experience. And then, this week, Google Webmasters announced that, as of May 2021, Core Web Vitals will become ranking signals as part of an update that will combine them with a number of existing UX-related signals.   What are Core Web Vitals? Earlier this […]