
Automotive SEO: Google Blasts Sites That Regurgitate Content

What does this mean to the future of Automotive SEO? Google announced a major change to the google algorithm today. So what does it mean? This change has effected 11.8% of websites. The goal? To weed out “low quality” websites. “Sites that copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful.” I shudder to even quote […]

Automotive Marketing Bootcamp: A Polarizing Event

Controversy is GOOD! There has been much controversy over the last couple weeks surrounding the Automotive Marketing Bootcamp and the Digital Dealer 10 conference. Some have taken sides, some have remained neutral, but more importantly, people are talking and they are talking about dealer education!

9 Social Media Guidelines Your Dealer May Want To Follow

9 Guidelines for Social Media Participation at (Insert your Dealership Name) These guidelines apply to (Dealership) employees or contractors who create or contribute to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of Social Media. Whether you log into Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, or comment on online media stories – these guidelines are for you. While all (Dealership) […]

Wikimotive to sponsor Napa Festivities at DMSC!

Wikimotive to sponsor Napa Festivities at DMSC!

Wikimotive Social Media Superstar Sponsors Social Events at DMSC Wikimotive has stepped up to the plate and sponsored the bus transportation to and from the dinner events at PCG’s Digital Marketing Strategies Conference scheduled this February in Napa Valley prior to NADA! Apropos that the Social Media Superstar sponsor the “Social Events” at the greatly anticipated summit! Conference details below. […]

Facebook Marketing for Car Dealers 101

  3 Reasons Car Dealers Fail at Facebook Marketing #1 The Wrong Questions Dealer’s are constantly asking me how they can drive more “In Market” or “Relevant Fans/Likes” to their facebook pages. It is in the question itself that dealers go wrong. Social Media isn’t a trick. You can’t approach it by prejudging the value of one fan or like […]

Dealer SEO: Create Pay-per-Click Campaigns

The goal for search engine optimization is to rank for free within the organic search results for your target keywords. In contrast, with pay-per click (sometimes called search engine marketing or SEM)your goal is to pay for placement by competing with other advertisers for ranking within the sponsored results section. With organic listing there is no charge when someone clicks […]

Automotive SEO: Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization (SMO) is a type of online marketing that specifically focuses on participating on various social media sites in order to generate traffic, buzz, and back-links to your website. Social media sites are made up of social news sites like Digg, Sphinn and StumbleUpon; video sharing sites like YouTube and Revver; and social network sites like Facebook, LinkedIn […]

Dealer SEO: Google Analytics

Dealer SEO: Google Analytics

Google provides a free analytics solution designed to give you a complete view of every aspect of activity on your website. Possessing the ability to properly analyze and understand all the various data Google provides to you will give you an edge over the competition in terms of your SEO strategy. Additionally, Google Analytics gives you the high level view […]

The Biggest Mistake Marketing Professionals Make With Social Media Marketing

They ask, “How can I get “RELEVANT” or “IN MARKET” fans/likes/followers to join/like/follow my fan page/tweets?” ANSWER: YOU CAN’T TRICK SOCIAL MEDIA! First of all, the “relevant” fans/followers are the ones who WANT to like/follow you! If a human being made the conscious decision to spend time exposing themselves to your brand, why would you ever be so presumptuous to […]

Automotive SEO: Link Building

I’ve said it many times before and you’ve likely heard it from other sources as well, “Content is King”. If we believe this to be true, then link building also called a backlink is most definitely the queen of seo. The reason you must have more than just quality content is that Google (and other search engines) evaluate both the […]

Dealer SEO: The Forum

In the last article we discussed how to use a blog as part of your search engine optimization strategy. Unlike a blog, a community forum is a discussion board. Here you will find members and moderators engaging by posting questions and answers and generally discussing common problems. Forums encourage your users to come back again and again by facilitating interaction […]

Online Marketing: The Key to Manipulation

Don’t Cheat! You would probably expect someone who tout’s himself as the master of all things digital to claim to have some super cheat code to search engine optimization and Social Media Marketing right? Hire me and I’ll let you into my “SEO cool club” and you too can get thousands of visitors a day to your website and money […]

Dealer SEO – Content Creation

Creating unique or original content is key to your long term SEO success. Your content is what visitors will use to judge value and one of the key elements that search engines use to rank your site. Whether or not you end up on page 1 or page 100 is largely dependent upon the quality and relevance of your content.

Automotive SEO: Advanced Site Structure

In the last article I discussed basic website structure. Once the basic website structure of your site is set up, you can use several other advanced structural techniques to optimize your site for SEO purposes. It may seem counter-intuitive, but in addition to having your content indexed, you may want to tell search engines not to index a particular page. […]

Dealer SEO: Basic Site Structure

Optimized website structure and design determines the performance of your website. This is what makes it easy or difficult for users to navigate or search engines to find your content. Balance is important. You need to balance the design of your site between the needs of your users and the search engines. To be successful your site needs to provide […]

Online Marketing: The Blog pt1 – your SEO engine

To blog or not to blog-that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler on the internet to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous SEO, Or to take arms against a sea of traffic And, by opposing end it. To digg, to nofollow link No More-and by nofollow link to say we end The traffic and the thousands of natural pageviews… […]

Automotive SEO – Page Creation

In my last article we discussed keyword generation. It is only natural then that we should next talk about the pages upon which your keywords should be targeted… When it comes to SEO, it is important to keep in mind that search engines don’t actually rank websites. Search engines rank individual web pages, thus, in order to be successful with […]