
Google’s [Not Provided] is Crippling Analytics

Have you ever checked your analytics for organic search traffic? If you’re involved in SEO, of course the answer is yes, so you have probably been noticing a disturbing trend. In your organic search query data, the [not provided] number is growing…and growing…and growing. The amount of usable, actionable analytics data is dwindling, being replaced by the [not provided] monster. […]

Free Professional Stock Photos for Facebook Advertising

Facebook ads have been becoming more and more popular over the past few months. You don’t even have to take my word for it though, you can just login and take a look at your newsfeed. Sponsored posts and stories abound, and it’s only trending upwards. Even on Facebook, content is king, and that’s especially true for visual content. Ads […]

Is Page Speed More Important on Mobile?

Mobile is a strange beast, isn’t it? All of a sudden, developers have to plan on people using these tiny little devices all of the time. It makes sites display differently, it serves up different results in search, and it’s just another complicated layer over the top of the whole thing that you have to consider. The latest theory is […]

An Authorship FAQ from Google

Google Authorship is quickly becoming one of the most talked about aspects of SEO. The rel=”author” tag lets you attach your name and Google+ profile to the content you create on the web, giving you a picture in a rich snippet and a general air of authority in SERPs. We have the guide to setting up Google Authorship right here, […]

Matt Cutts: Google +1s Have No Affect on Rankings

Does Google+ influence search rankings to any noticeable degree? It’s one of the most hotly debated issues in all of search engine optimization and digital marketing right now. A lot of people, experts included, are claiming that not only does Google+ have an affect on rankings, it is one of the most important ranking factors going. Other people, also experts […]

Official Bing Statement: 25 Things They Love and Hate for SEO

  This week, we got an update from Duane Forrester. Apparently, mister Forrester is the Bing equivalent of Google’s Matt Cutts. He’s the director of Webmaster Tools instead of Webspam, and his name isn’t as catchy, but they share the spokesman role for their respective search engines. Duane isn’t as active as Matt, but he’s been doing more and more […]

July ComScores for 2013

It’s that time again, time to review the ComScores for the previous month and see who is winning (probably Google) and who is teetering on the brink of complete and utter extinction (definitely AOL.) There aren’t any big surprises that will rock the SEO world, but there are some shifts that indicate interesting patterns. Let’s take a look at the […]

The Hot New SEO Spam for 2013

  Is there anything better than a nice breakfast of crispy hot spam? Oh…what’s that you say? Pretty much anything? Well, guess what buttercup…Google feels the same way, but people keep trying to serve up spam all the same. One technique is hammered and gets you penalized, and the army of  spammers (the ones who give SEO a bad name […]

301 Redirects or rel=”Canonical”

It can be difficult to know how you should redirect a web page, especially when there is duplicate content involved in the mix. Generally, there are two major ways of handling the issue: the 301 redirect and the rel=”canonical” attribute. They both have their strengths and their weaknesses, and knowing how to use them properly can mean the difference between […]

Google Adds Manual Actions Viewer for When Your Site is Penalized

As you all know, educated bunch that you are, when Google wants you to fix some webspam that’s within your control, they send you an email about manual webspam actions to take. Now though, Google is expanding upon that procedure and making it even easier to address manual webspam actions on your sites. As of this week, all you have […]

2013 Local Search Ranking Factors

Local search is one of the most important aspects of search. A good local search strategy can be the difference between complete success and abysmal failure for a small business operating on the local or regional level. The problem is that Google switches up what matters so often, these small business are often left in a state of constant worry. […]

Facebook News Feed FYI for Social Media Marketing

We always give Google guff about how mysterious their updates are, but Google doesn’t stand alone in the convoluted update realm. Facebook has been going toe to toe with the search juggernaut lately, updating their news feed at random and delivering content according to their mysterious EdgeRank. Now, we know roughly how EdgeRank works, just like we know roughly how […]

Elements of an Search Engine Optimized Page in 2013

What makes a perfectly search engine optimized page in 2013? The first thing you should know is that it’s different than what made a good page in 2012. Google’s algorithms are only gaining momentum year after year, and we’re seeing larger changes come faster than ever before. If you want to succeed moving forward, it’s not enough to rest on […]