
Strong or Bold?

Matt Cutts is back again with another one of his block rocking beats. The Webmaster Help videos that Matt Cutts puts out may not be the most glamorous pieces of SEO news around, but we still honestly feel that they are worth covering. Paying attention to the great, sweeping changes in the SEO field is only a piece of the […]

The Ten Commandments of SEO (Infographic)

The Ten Commandments of SEO (Infographic)

SEO isn’t a religion, but it’s definitely pretty close. You have to dedicate yourself to it to succeed, you have leaders and idols, and you have a mysterious entity that deals out rewards and punishments due to only their own strange whims (that’s a shot at Google, not God…don’t write me). Much like religion, SEO has written rules and unwritten […]

The ROI of Facebook Ads

Traditionally, it has been hard to track the ROI of social media, but Facebook has been making things a lot more quantifiable. Advertisers have been doing research, and now we have some hard numbers to share with you, courtesy of the new report released by Nanigans. Let’s take a look at Facebook’s ROI and what it means for your social […]

Low Five(rr)

So, today we’re going to talk about Fiverr. Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of articles popping up that list different ways to build links and boost your SEO using the service. In case you don’t know, Fiverr is elance for stupid people a site where people offer services (known as gigs) and they all cost five dollars. Now, these services can […]

The Major SEO Players

The SEO industry is a strange one. It’s extremely niche when you get really into it, and like any super focused niche, strange celebrities begin to emerge. It’s kinda like when you start getting really into backgammon and all of a sudden you find yourself wearing Paul David Magriel Jr. jerseys around town, talking about the infamous World Backgammon Championship game […]

When Will PageRank Update?

When Will PageRank Update?

Yesterday we talked a little about Google PageRank, and that got us wondering, when was the last time that it had actually been updated? Historically, it’s been updated every few months, but as Matt Cutts said yesterday, Google is going to be updating it less and less. It turns out, we are already in the middle of an historic PageRank […]

Bing it On! Fact or Fraud

If you watch television at all, you’ve probably seen the commercial for Microsoft’s Bing it On campaign (if you don’t watch television, you should check it out, there’s some great stuff on there, I personally recommend Breaking Bad.) In case you haven’t seen it, Bing it On is essentially a blind comparison between Bing and Google, a la Pepsi and […]

15 Ranking Factors: An Overview

What are the most important factors to look at when you’re trying to rank? Well, Google won’t tell us exactly what’s important, but we can look as some correlation and determine what seems to be the most important. Of course, correlation does not equal causation, but if you look at what the top ranking pages all have in common, you […]

2013 Search Ranking Factors for October

Every couple of years, the digital marketing giant Moz conducts an SEO survey. Essentially, they ask over 100 top industry professionals to give their input on which factors they think are most important. We’ve addressed the 2013 list briefly in the past, but today, they have finally released the full version. It’s full of a lot of interesting stuff, and […]

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