
Exit Rate and Bounce Rate…Do You Know the Difference?

Even if you don’t consider yourself a technical person, you need to know how to use Google Analytics. It’s simply one of the best free ways to get an overview of your web presence and how your site is performing overall. If you’re able to look at your Google Analytics and understand exactly what is being said, you’re ahead of […]

Social Customer Service

Even the best businesses sometimes have unhappy customers. That’s just the reality of doing business. What separates the good businesses from the bad is how they handle their customer service when there is a complaint. It was easier in the past. Customers would ask to speak to a manager or they would call a customer service hotline and you could […]

Simple Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that is always useful. In the digital marketing world, it’s not uncommon for even great advice to be outdated after a few months. Heck, with SEO and social media, it’s not unheard of that good advice is outdated in just a couple weeks. If you don’t want all of your content to become obsolete (even though […]

Bing’s New Design

Early on in 2013, Bing gave us a preview of what the future could hold for the search engine. Now, we’re seeing that preview come to fruition. It’s a whole new look and feel for Bing, and even though it feels very strange to say…we think we like it. Let’s take a look at what’s different and how it may […]

The BigSEO Subreddit

A few months ago we talked about the benefits of Reddit. Reddit isn’t a great place to market (not in any kind of organized way, anyway) but it is a great place to come together and talk to your peers. In our original article, we talked about the benefits of the SEO Subreddit, /r/SEO. Today, we want to share another […]

ComScores for August 2013

It’s the 12th of the month, and you know what that means, don’t you? It’s time for the monthly ComScore data! It’s so exciting, it should pretty much be a holiday, one of the good ones where you don’t have to show up for work. Alas, it’s not, so you’re working and so are we, but we can still have […]

An SEO News Aggregator

If you’re one of the thousands that reads the Wikimotive blog each and every day of the week, we want to thank you. It’s great having you here and I’m sure you’re one heck of a guy or girl. You’re probably a stand-up person and an asset to your community. I mean, you’re interested in marketing news, and I like […]

A Quote for the Beginners

Here at Wikimotive, we have a backlog of content that goes back years. We have multiple ebooks and podcasts and infographics, and we have material published all over the web. We get emails all the time from people, intelligent people, who want to get into the game but don’t know where to start. They see the volume and the quality […]

Increase Traffic with SEO in 2013 (Infographic)

Increasing traffic is the high-level goal of pretty much every website. Whether you’re there to entertain, sell, or teach, more eyes on the page is the paramount objective. SEO is a great tool for building up your traffic, but really, SEO is a pretty big term that includes a lot of little things. Writing content can be a part of […]

Use Excel in Bing Optimization

Excel is an enormous part of the business world. Windows comes on most machines and Excel comes with most copies of Windows, so it’s not surprising that it’s become the spreadsheet tool of choice. In addition to being nearly ubiquitous, Excel is also a powerful tool. People make careers out of being particularly good at it. It’s a great way […]

Does Google Penalize Scripts that Pull Search Queries?

Today we have another wonderful video from Matt Cutts over at Google. For a change of pace this time around (sarcasm), Matt is talking about something that will get you penalized.  Specifically, it’s a sketchy SEO technique that’s been around forever, but only seems to be getting more popular (despite being obviously sketchy). Let’s take a look at what it […]

Facebook Hashtags May Hurt Engagement

Hashtags have been a goldmine on Twitter, this much we know for a fact. Tweets with hashtags do better than Tweets without, especially if the hashtag is something that is starting to trend at the moment. The success of the hashtag on Twitter (and to a lesser degree, Instagram) made everyone wonder when the tags would be making their Facebook […]

Fatten Up Your Content

There seems to be a new epidemic going around peoples’ Google Webmaster Tools: the thin content warning. It’s not an especially surprising trend. Content is the new sheriff in town, so everyone is rushing to get as much of it as they possibly can. The problem is that they aren’t thinking about what “content” really means. It isn’t about populating […]

Et Tu Guru?

Social media marketing is a thriving field, but it differs from other fields in that there is no formal education required. Anyone and their mother can build a website and claim to be a social media expert, and they do (and so do their mums.) The trick is learning how to shuck all those fishy clams quickly in order to […]