Category: SEO Tips

10 Links that Google Doesn’t Like (Part 1)

We talk a lot about what Google doesn’t like, and you can find that advice spread across our blog. Recently, we’ve been getting some more requests for types of links that are (more or less) officially disliked by Google, so we have assembled this list for quick reference when you’re doing SEO link building. Here’s the first half of the […]

Are You Organic?

Going green is the trend right now, but being environmentally friendly isn’t the only way that you can go organic. You’re presented with another organic choice every day when you use Google. The top two results represent that corporate choice, the paid listings. The rest of the results are the great wild beyond, also known as the organic listings. For […]

Will Website Downtimes Hurt Your Rankings?

Downtime is a dirty word amongst a lot of webmasters. Any time your site is down, that’s time you’re not getting new visitors, not making new sales, and not collecting new leads. Occasionally, though, downtime is a necessary evil. Things need to be updated and tweaked and mistakes happen. While downtime is always bad for your following, is it just […]

Today’s Perfect Landing Page (Infographic)

Building the perfect landing page is sort of like Baseball, it’s part art, part science, and a whole lot of sweat. Most companies never get it exactly right, and that’s the way it should be. Your landing pages should be constantly growing and evolving, being tested and tried and reformulated to succeed in the moment. Much like SEO, there are […]

6 Anchor Text Alternatives

What kind of anchor text are you using for your SEO? I was surprised to learn recently that many people are still using only exact match anchor text as part of their strategy. Since the latest round of Panda and Penguin updates, using exact match SEO will get you hammered by Google, so it’s time to move on. I’ve found […]


Have you ever heard of It’s a search engine service that was built around the idea of privacy first. They don’t log your IP, they don’t track cookies, and they definitely don’t pull Google’s over-your-shoulder search suggestion antics. This brand of privacy-first web search has become very popular over the past week, and as more about the NSA scandal […]

Slideshare is for Lovers

Content is the SEO method of choice in 2013. Spam and content spinning are way, way out, and original content that has value to the reader is in. It’s not enough to just create the content though. Even if it’s amazing and insightful, you still need to market your own content, at least a little bit, to get it off […]

Good vs Great SEO Company

Let’s forget for a moment that the overwhelming majority of SEO companies the average small business owner will encounter provide a service of no value whatsoever. Let’s pretend that the majority of SEO providers are not outright scam artists. I’m only going to address the small percentage of us that provide a real service capable of producing ROI in some […]

Buying a Bad Domain

Have you ever looked into buying a domain on the private market? It’s a risky proposition, as private sales can be anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars. If you have proof the domain is currently in good standing, or even neutral standing, then buy away if the price is right. If the domain is a […]

Local Needs to be on the Podium

The goal for most SEO efforts is to land on the first page of Google.  Once you’re there, it’s about the uphill battle to the top of page one. Some companies will tell you there isn’t much of a difference between positions four and five, but the fact is position four gets 50% more clicks. SEO is a game of […]

News Site SEO

News sites have unique concerns compared with traditional business and commercial sites. Whereas most places can post a blog or article and leave it be, news sites might have to come back to the same story three or four times as they get new information. This has caused a lot of consternation in the community, as they try and reconcile […]

You’re Nobody (’till Somebody Ranks You)

Here at Wikimotive, we love Using SEO for Business. We work at it all day, poring over analytics data and tweaking this or that to stay in Google’s good graces. Honestly, it never gets old. Just between you and me, when we lay our heads down at night, we have beautiful dreams of Matt Cutts. Still though, we’re not going […]

Three Things That Hurt Your Rank (That You Can Fix Today)

We’ve covered a lot of the bigger issues surrounding social media marketing and Wikimotive’s SEO for your Business, but it’s not always the bigger things that hurt you the most. Sometimes, it’s the simple stuff that comes back to bite you. Here are three things you can fix in an afternoon that may save you from slipping in the rankings.

Resolution Tactics For Business

It’s Near Years resolution time. Last week we talked about creating a resolution for your business, this week I’d like to talk about how you’re going to keep that resolution. Even though these tactics aren’t specifically aimed at businesses, they’re still valuable methods to help you stay on point and keep your business plan chugging along. When it comes to Automotive […]

Looking to 2013

Annnnd we’re back! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, a happy Chanukah, and/or a pleasant other seasonal holiday. Now that we’re all back to work, I figured we could ease into things by thinking about the future, namely 2013. It’s only a week away, and this is the perfect time to take a look at your strategies for […]

The World Didn’t End…So What Now?

Like Y2K and Twilight: Breaking Dawn before it, the Mayan Apocalypse has thus far failed to bring about the end of the world. The solar flares didn’t fry us, the meteor didn’t send us the way of the dinosaurs, and Cthulhu remains slumbering his ancient slumber in the abyss. This surprising survival on the part of the human race has […]

Should You PPC For Your Own Brand Name?

Most companies are paying to rank for some keywords, but many ignore their own brand name when setting up their pay per click (PPC) system. On the surface, this makes perfect sense. Why would you pay to rank for the one term you’re pretty much guaranteed results for? If your company name is fairly unique, you are going to be […]

Image SEO Overview

It’s common to spend so much time trying to get pages to rank that we overlook the images we use on said pages. Sometimes, it’s just as important for a search engine optimization strategy to focus on a single image as it is to rank an entire page. So let’s go back to some SEO fundamentals and review what it takes to […]