
Customer Service In Social Media

A facet of social media that is often overlooked is the role it plays in customer service. Marketing Using Facebook is one thing, but dedicating time to answering every question and comment is another layer of time and dedication that some businesses feel they can’t handle. The reality is, like it or not, customer service is moving to social media, and […]

Looking to 2013

Annnnd we’re back! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, a happy Chanukah, and/or a pleasant other seasonal holiday. Now that we’re all back to work, I figured we could ease into things by thinking about the future, namely 2013. It’s only a week away, and this is the perfect time to take a look at your strategies for […]

The World Didn’t End…So What Now?

Like Y2K and Twilight: Breaking Dawn before it, the Mayan Apocalypse has thus far failed to bring about the end of the world. The solar flares didn’t fry us, the meteor didn’t send us the way of the dinosaurs, and Cthulhu remains slumbering his ancient slumber in the abyss. This surprising survival on the part of the human race has […]

How Much Does a Hipster Weigh?

The answer, of course, is an Instagram. Listen, I’m not going to tell you that’s a great joke, simply a relevant one, because the social picture sharing and food-photo-filtering site has been making waves this week with their announcement that all your photos will soon be theirs. Everywhere, millions of voices are crying out against the image of Instagram CEOs […]

Facebook Nearby Suddenly Important For Local Search

Facebook just keeps expanding their influence. This week, they have added a powerful new feature to their mobile version for both iOS and droid, changing the “Nearby” feature and making marketing using Facebook even more important for local businesses.

3 Tips To Avoid Social Media Overload

There’s a problem I have been seeing a lot lately among businesses who are late to adopting social media. They are excited, just raring to go (which is admirable) but they have no perspective on what they’re getting themselves into. They look up every possible social network and just start registering. Now, I’m a big proponent of social media as […]

The Art of Getting Retweets

Tweeting is important for automotive marketing, but doing so in a way that gets you Retweeted is just as important. Retweeting boosts your original message, amplifying its reach by orders of magnitude, ensuring it’s seen by more people. Now, having good content will get your message out there, but good content alone can only take you so far. You need to […]

Optimizing for Conversion eBook!

Optimizing for Conversion eBook!

Most businesses understand the benefits of search engine optimization, but they waste all that hard SEO work by not having decent landing pages. Getting clicked is only the first step, once a potential customer is on your page, you need to be able to convert them into either a lead or a sale.

Google Sacks Raven Tools

We all know that Google is a powerhouse, but in the past they have been a fairly reasonable one. For all the brawn they possess, they let people get away with a lot of activities that are probably technically infractions. This is what makes it so shocking when they truly bring their guns to bear. It’s their right though, and […]

Pinterest Cutting Fakes

Pinterest is doing a lot right. They know they aren’t the first social network on the block and they aren’t trying to pretend they are. Instead, they’re deliberately studying Facebook and Twitter and implementing similar successful policies. This is great news for Pinterest users, and if you can keep up, it will be great news for your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Social Media Numbers Still Growing

Social media is here to stay, and according to the latest study released by the Nielsen group, it hasn’t even finished growing yet. What does this mean for the future of social media marketing and what role will it play in your automotive dealership SEO? Lets take a quick look at the numbers.

Google Updates AdSense

Google is the best there is at what they do, and it’s because they never become complacent. Even when a program is working, they are always seeking out ways that it could be improved. That’s why Google should always be the first thing you consider when you are planning your Search Engine Optimization efforts.

Pinterest Allowing Business Accounts

Pinterest is experiencing rapid growth, both among casual users and marketers. In the past month, Pinterest has started to embrace businesses that want to utilize their service, and they have made explicit business pages available. In the grand tradition of Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest hopes to use businesses’ need to market to increase their own revenue. When it comes to social […]

Google Acquires Incentive Targeting

Google is full of surprises. This week, they went out and acquired the company Incentive Targeting. What will this mean for your search engine optimization efforts moving forward? Lets break it down a little and see if we can piece together part of their master plan.

Facebook’s Dealership Success Guide

Facebook is pushing hard to extend their influence, and now they are beginning to drill down to a more granular level with their business support. They recently released a guide specifically for automotive dealerships. The only problem is that it isn’t exactly advertised everywhere, so many people may have missed it. It’s nothing revolutionary, but if you are Marketing using Facebook, […]

Wikimotive Welcomes McCluskey Chevrolet

Wikimotive Welcomes McCluskey Chevrolet

It’s our pleasure to announce the newest addition to the Wikimotive family: McCluskey Chevrolet! McCluskey Chevrolet is the premier dealer of new and used Chevy cars, trucks and SUVs in Cincinnati, and indeed in all of Ohio! They have been in business in the Cincinnati are for over 50 years (yes, 50 YEARS!) and they have no plans on stopping […]

Setting Your Facebook Username

A Facebook username is essentially your domain name on Facebook. For instance, ours is Much like your actual website domain name, your Facebook username is best when it is just your brand name. Snagging this username (and the accompanying vanity URL) is an important part of your social media marketing effort, so lets make sure you know how to do it.

Small Business Employees and Social Media

Small businesses, especially ones that operate locally or regionally, need to be on social media. I don’t think anyone disputes this anymore; it is so true that it has become axiomatic. The problem comes from businesses not knowing what to do once they’re on social media. We’ve published guides here and you can find hundreds (heck, probably thousands) of others […]

Should You PPC For Your Own Brand Name?

Most companies are paying to rank for some keywords, but many ignore their own brand name when setting up their pay per click (PPC) system. On the surface, this makes perfect sense. Why would you pay to rank for the one term you’re pretty much guaranteed results for? If your company name is fairly unique, you are going to be […]

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