
Twitter Makes Cross Posting To Facebook More Seamless

Twitter just recently tweaked the way that usernames, hashtags, and photos are cross posted to Facebook. This adjustment is going to make cross posting for your social media marketing a little more seamless. “The updated Twitter for Facebook integration now includes additional rich media experiences related to the first photo, URL, @mention or #hashtag in the cross-posted tweet,” Twitter spokesman […]

Increase Your Blog Readership By Following These 5 Steps

Increasing your blog traffic can be a difficult task, just throwing some content up on your site no matter how good the content is, isn’t going to cut it. If you are struggling to build a decent readership you might be over looking these easy to follow guidelines that will help you make a better blog. You have to market […]

Facebook Introduces Three New Features For Facebook Marketers

Facebook made a few new updates for the month of June that Facebook Marketing experts should be very interested in. These updates show an interesting shift in Facebook’s attitude toward those of us who use it for marketing. All of the three updates that I will cover are a long time coming and will make Facebook Marketing more convenient.

Google Launches Webmaster Academy For Beginner Webmasters

Google Launches Webmaster Academy For Beginner Webmasters

Google just recently launched a new awesome service through Webmaster Tools for learning how to make a site that preforms well in Google search results. It’s called Webmaster Academy and it’s a comprehensive guide on how to make your website great and covers everything from how to use Webmaster tools to creating and syndicating content through social media. This guide […]

New Study Shows Social Media Starting To Replace Face-To-Face Interaction

IBM recently did a study with 1,700 different CEO’s in 64 countries to discuss changes in the way business is conducted these days. The topic of discussion was how they engage with their customers. Each was asked how they go about engaging with their customers today and how they see that changing in 3-5 years. Unsurprisingly social media marketing was […]

New Study Shows Marketers Are Clueless About Social Media

Despite all the buzz about social media these days only 49% of marketers have fully integrated it into their internet marketing strategy. This is according to a study done by Forrester Research based on 99 CMOs and marketing VPs in February of this year. The odd thing is that the same study also reveals that the same people are very […]

Google Introduces AdWords For YouTube Video

It used to be that you needed big bucks to advertise via video.  The internet has certainly changed that, but you have still always needed a substantial investment to get a quality commercial completed and actually scene by anyone.  Well, Google is working to change all that, and it should make a big splash in the world of online marketing.

New Bill Supports User Privacy On Facebook

A new bill proposed by New York and Illinois Democrats Eliot Engel and Jan Schakowsky will change the way employers use Facebook when searching for new employees. The bill is known as the “Social Networking Online Protection Act” or SNOPA and it addresses the growing practice of pre-employment Facebook screenings, intending to make the practice itself illegal. Many employers have […]

Google Releases About 50 Algorithm Updates For April

Early this month Google released another string of algorithm updates. About 50 of them to be exact, luckily we have narrowed the field down to only a few that you really should be paying attention to. You may need to adjust your small business SEO strategy so pay attention.

New Study Reveals More About How Millennials Use Facebook

New Study Reveals More About How Millennials Use Facebook

Millennials make up the core of the Facebook users, they are the people who are between the ages of 18-29 and have grown up in the age of social media. They have made social platforms like Facebook a daily part of their lives and will check in for everything from world news to what their friends are doing. So when […]

Google Is Officially The Social Platform For The Republican National Convention

The Republican National Convention will convene in Tampa Florida from August 27-30. During that time they have chosen Google to be their “official social platform and live stream provider.” Google will provide coverage of RNC events, programs and interviews via Google+ and YouTube. This should have a major impact for the GOP online reputation management.

Google Cracks Down On Over-Optimization

With Google planning to crack down on over-optimization with their newest round of algorithm updates SEOs everywhere are scrambling to find out if they will be affected. Rather than speculate and face heavy penalties it is best to play it safe for now and check a few key places on your website to make sure that your small business SEO […]

Automotive SEO: The Backbone

In this fast-paced world where technology has advanced and is advancing, and marketing in the automotive industry has been and is still challenging, help is on its way. Car dealers benefit by having a sophisticated and high-tech way of exposing their business – brand, dealership, vehicles- with the birth of Automotive Marketing and the aid of SEO for the Automotive […]

Study Shows Huge Social Media Impact For Automotive Sales And Service

In a recent study done by Sociable Labs it was revealed that a very significant number of Automotive shoppers are making purchasing decisions based on social sharing. Apparently 1 in 4 shoppers who are active on Facebook have made a vehicle or service department purchase based on recommendations they saw in their news feed. This has confirmed what we’ve always […]

How To Correctly Implement Video Content On Your Site

So you’ve finally got some excellent video content you think is worthy of your awesome website. But you’re not sure how to implement it on your site properly to ensure you get the greatest return. Well here’s a guide on how to use your online marketing skills to get that video content the best possible exposure.

Managing Your Indexed Pages After Panda

Since the Panda update for Google algorithms, more and more people have been trying to manage their Google index by weeding out “low-quality” pages. Managing your index is always a good idea if your goal is good Automotive search engine optimization results, but there are a few common mistakes that you should look out for.

How To Use Photos On Facebook For A Sucessful Social Media Campaign

Facebook has changed quite a lot over the years but there is one thing that always remains the same. While certain Facebook Marketing strategies may shift and change the one thing that always gets people interested are stories on a timeline or news feed that are told with images. Recent statistics from Facebook suggest that posts which include a photo […]

Rich Snippets: A General Overview

Rich Snippets: A General Overview

Rich snippets these days are every where in the search engine results pages (SERPs), and they can help you improve your click through rate. For most people they help to show if what they’re searching for is within reach on a particular site. They can draw the users attention by providing extra relevant information about their search. By using rich […]

Understanding The Google ‘Venice’ Update And It’s Impact On Local Search

The Inside Search Blog published around 40 something changes to Google’s algorithms in February. Most of these were small little tweaks but there were a couple noteworthy updates. The one I want to talk about today is Launch codename “Venice” which covers improvements to ranking for local search results. There were two entries in the post that pertained to local […]

10 Things To Keep In Mind For A Successful Blog

Blogging is a crucial part of a well rounded online marketing and Auto SEO strategy. Creating a successful blog is hard work but the benefits can be huge. So how do you make sure that your blog is successful? Here are 10 basic tips to keep you on the right track.