
Automotive SEO: The Backbone

In this fast-paced world where technology has advanced and is advancing, and marketing in the automotive industry has been and is still challenging, help is on its way. Car dealers benefit by having a sophisticated and high-tech way of exposing their business – brand, dealership, vehicles- with the birth of Automotive Marketing and the aid of SEO for the Automotive […]

Study Shows Huge Social Media Impact For Automotive Sales And Service

In a recent study done by Sociable Labs it was revealed that a very significant number of Automotive shoppers are making purchasing decisions based on social sharing. Apparently 1 in 4 shoppers who are active on Facebook have made a vehicle or service department purchase based on recommendations they saw in their news feed. This has confirmed what we’ve always […]

How To Correctly Implement Video Content On Your Site

So you’ve finally got some excellent video content you think is worthy of your awesome website. But you’re not sure how to implement it on your site properly to ensure you get the greatest return. Well here’s a guide on how to use your online marketing skills to get that video content the best possible exposure.

Managing Your Indexed Pages After Panda

Since the Panda update for Google algorithms, more and more people have been trying to manage their Google index by weeding out “low-quality” pages. Managing your index is always a good idea if your goal is good Automotive search engine optimization results, but there are a few common mistakes that you should look out for.

How To Use Photos On Facebook For A Sucessful Social Media Campaign

Facebook has changed quite a lot over the years but there is one thing that always remains the same. While certain Facebook Marketing strategies may shift and change the one thing that always gets people interested are stories on a timeline or news feed that are told with images. Recent statistics from Facebook suggest that posts which include a photo […]

Rich Snippets: A General Overview

Rich Snippets: A General Overview

Rich snippets these days are every where in the search engine results pages (SERPs), and they can help you improve your click through rate. For most people they help to show if what they’re searching for is within reach on a particular site. They can draw the users attention by providing extra relevant information about their search. By using rich […]

Understanding The Google ‘Venice’ Update And It’s Impact On Local Search

The Inside Search Blog published around 40 something changes to Google’s algorithms in February. Most of these were small little tweaks but there were a couple noteworthy updates. The one I want to talk about today is Launch codename “Venice” which covers improvements to ranking for local search results. There were two entries in the post that pertained to local […]

10 Things To Keep In Mind For A Successful Blog

Blogging is a crucial part of a well rounded online marketing and Auto SEO strategy. Creating a successful blog is hard work but the benefits can be huge. So how do you make sure that your blog is successful? Here are 10 basic tips to keep you on the right track.

Unified Offers Online Certification For Social Media Marketers

Unified Offers Online Certification For Social Media Marketers

Many people these days might consider themselves a ‘social media expert’ but Unified is actually giving social media marketers a way to prove it. Unified is a social media operating platform, offering tools for planning and analyzing social media marketing strategies. Now they are offering a service called Unified University, which will apparently make you a certified social media expert.

Great Tips For Dealers On Pinterest And Social Media In General

I recently read a blog post on ADM where J.D. Rucker detailed The Value of Pinterest for Car Dealers. In the post he gave us a few tips on how to get started using Pinterest as a social media marketing tool. Pinterest for those who don’t know is a relatively new social network site where you can organize and share […]

The Rise Of Mobile

People have been talking for years about the “post-PC era” when use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets would exceed that of personal computers. It seems that 2012 is going to be the start of this new era. In 2011 there were 472 million smartphones sold world wide, and tablet sales grew by 250 per cent reaching just about […]

NBO’s The Holy Grail Of Marketing

An article recently published on the Harvard Business Review website explores the idea of NBO (next best offer) as the holy grail of marketing. The article entitled “Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do” outlines how brands can utilize the wealth of data currently available to customize their offers, and target individuals at the right moment through the right […]

Get Informed About Internet Marketing In 2012

Get Informed About Internet Marketing In 2012

All of us here at Wikimotive will be attending the Digital Marketing Strategies Conference (DMSC) in Las Vegas in February and we couldn’t be more excited. The conference agenda was posted on ADM not long ago and DMSC looks to be an excellent experience for those attending this year.

New Study Suggests Facebook Pages Should Wait At Least 3 Hours Between Posts

New Study Suggests Facebook Pages Should Wait At Least 3 Hours Between Posts

Facebook page analytics company EdgeRank Checker has recently conducted a study of 30,000 posts on over 500 pages and they’ve come up with some interesting data. In the pages EdgeRank Checker analyzed they found that the average post will continue to receive likes and comments for around 3 hours after being published. This means that to maximize engagement and impressions […]

How Businesses Are Using Social Media in The Hiring Process [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media plays a larger and larger role in our personal lives, and even for those who don’t work with social media for a living like I do, it is starting to hugely effect our professional lives as well. For a while now social media marketing has been a large focus for businesses looking to strengthen their social image and […]

Failing QR Codes – The Solution?

  This article was originally featured on iMedia Connection They have become the standard violator appearing on advertising; in the corner of print ads, across billboards, on buses, or in pieces of direct mail — even peppered throughout this article. You’ve seen them; that little block of even littler squares. Unfortunately the technology behind QR codes was not invented for […]

Bloggers Can Soon Put Ads On Their WordPress Blogs

The company behind, Automattic, has teamed up with Federated Media to bring a new feature to millions of Word Press users. The two companies have collaborated to give users the ability to place ads on their blogs. This could have a profound effect on internet marketing opportunities.

The History of Facebook Advertising [Infographic]

Originally posted on Masahable As Facebook has grown from a collegiate social network to a site that gets action from 7.3% of the world’s population, it has also evolved into a marketing tool. One report estimated that advertisers will spend $4 billion on Facebook advertising this year. Facebook didn’t come out of the gate as a marketing-friendly product in 2004, and it has […]