
Pew Internet Life Survey Numbers for Social Networks

Last week the Pew Internet and American Life Project released some new data, and today we want to share a little bit of that data with you, specifically the data pertaining to the way Americans are using social networks. It’s no surprise that Facebook is still dominating the social scene overall (despite all the people claiming they’re sick of the […]

Great Facebook Photo Size Guide

How is your business page set up on Facebook? If you are like a lot of other businesses out there, you probably set up your page initially and haven’t paid much attention to the imagery you used since then. It’s kind of like the paintings in your own house, right? You see them all the time, day in and day […]

Rap Genius Fallout

Yesterday we wrote about Rap Genius and the penalty they incurred by trying to game Google’s system with questionable SEO. Essentially, they were trying (and succeeding) to bribe people to give them links with very specific, very rich anchor text and Google brought down the penalty hammer on their entire domain. Now, they don’t even rank for their own name, […]

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (Infographic)

We share a lot of infographics here at Wikimotive, but the one we have today is one of our favorites ever. It’s not especially pretty, but infographics aren’t just about being flashy. In fact, that’s a big problem with a lot of the infographics I see these days. They use up all of their energy trying to be fancy and […]

Exact Match Domains Still Work: an Anecdotal Look

If you’ve been paying attention to the world of search engine optimization this past year, you know that Google brought the hammer down on exact match domains. No longer can someone trying to rank for dog toys simply buy “” and enjoy front page results…or at least that’s what people are saying. I hear it from people all the time […]

Yoast for SEO

I’ve written before about the benefits of using a plugin to boost your SEO on WordPress. It’s simply a game changer as far as SEO is concerned. It can take a decent blogger with a modicum of SEO knowledge and bring them to the next level. It is one of the first things we here at Wikimotive install when we’re […]

Merry Christmas 2013!

All of us here at Wikimotive would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It’s been a busy year for us here, but we’ve been graced with the gifts of great clients, supportive families, and jobs we’re proud to do. Our office is closed today and tomorrow, but if you need anything, we’re still […]

How Social Media Helps Small Business Grow (Infographic)

Social media isn’t just for established businesses. I want to be very clear about this because it is a misconception that I run into all the time. People start a social media page, and that big fat ZERO in the fans/followers/whatever spot just feels insurmountable. Small business owners need to understand that the zero IS surmountable, but more than that, […]

Authority Boost by Niche

There’s an interesting development brewing in the world of SEO. Of course by this point you’ve heard about Authorship (that’s with a capital A thank you very much) and exactly what it means to Google, but it turns out it is going to go deeper than just slapping your name onto posts. Authorship is going to tie in with PageRank […]

Social Media and the Christmas Break

Today I’d like to write a little public service announcement to all of you social media marketers out there in the world. Christmas is nearly here, which of course you know, but a lot of people aren’t considering that the holiday falls in the middle of the week this year. That means that for a lot of people (maybe including […]

The On Page SEO Infographic for all SEO Beginners

You hear search engine optimization being described as an iceberg sometimes, with the on page elements as the tip and then the rest of the business underneath the surface. Honestly, it’s a good way  to illustrate the trade, because there is so much more to it than you see on the surface, but it’s also easy too get too caught […]

Duplicate Content Normal…What This Means and Doesn’t Mean

Duplicate content is bad, right? We’ve preached that here at Wikimotive for years now and pretty much every search engine optimization company in existence has been saying the same thing. Well, this week Matt Cutts has released a new video in the Google Webmaster series that addresses duplicate content in a new way, and it’s actually a pretty interesting take. According […]

Facebook Unleashes Combo Like-Share Button

Last month, Facebook announced a new like share button, a strategy for the social network to help facilitate the spread of content through the web…even more than they already do. The strategy revolved around the new Like-Share combo button, a button that is literally just the Like and Share buttons merged together in one easy to use snippet. It was […]

When to Use NoFollow

We’ve talked about nofollow links before, and anyone practicing SEO should at least understand the basics of what they’re for. Essentially, they let you tell search engines not to count a certain outbound link as a vote, or endorsement, of the linked content. What this does in practice is limits the amount of effectiveness your link will have in making […]

Repeat Offenders Get Hard Time

At this point, everyone understands that Google will penalize sites that are using spammy techniques. If you’re buying links, creating strange and unnatural link profiles, or gaming the system in other ways, you’ll get the mighty Google hammer brought down upon you. In most of these cases, it’s possible to reverse the damage. With a lot of hard work and […]

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