
Blogging Longhand

All too often when we sit at the computer, we aren’t writing, we’re typing. It’s a subtle distinction but it’s an important one. Do you ever stare at your screen and know you need to get something down so you just hammer it out? Worse yet, do you ever stare at the screen, knowing you need to get something down, […]

Google Hammers Several Thousand Link Sellers Overnight

Google Hammers Several Thousand Link Sellers Overnight

Are you still paying for links? It doesn’t matter where or how many, if you’re paying for even a single link it’s time to get rid of it. Remember earlier this week when we wrote about Google’s plan for the next couple months? Part of that plan was to aggressively pursue link buyers and sellers, and it’s only been a […]

Google Penguin 2.0 Imminent

Do you follow Matt Cutts on Twitter? If you don’t, you really should go follow him. He posts updates about Google’s policy and algorithm updates that could have major reprecussions on your business. Just this week, he wrote that Goole Penguin’s 2.0 version was imminent for release. What does this mean for your digital marketing for business efforts?

Snapchat Not So Temporary After All

Have you ever heard of Snapchat? It’s an app developed for iOS and Android. Using Snapchat, you can send pictures back and forth with your friends, the twist is that these pictures self-destruct after being opened. The idea behind it is that people will feel more comfortable sending some pictures (cough sexting cough)  if they know the pictures will delete […]

How We Consume Our Content (Infographic)

The culture of content has only gained more momentum in 2013. The vast majority of people lead plugged-in lives, constantly absorbing news and entertainment and advertisements in near equal measure. This is great for your brand, but only if you understand HOW people are absorbing content. Brazen, ugly ads that inconvenience may put you top of mind, but they are […]

SEO on SEO Crime

When you’re in the search engine optimization game, you encounter a lot of distrust wherever you go. People don’t understand SEO, so they treat every interaction like you’re a mechanic in a skeazy shop, telling them their radiator has snake-tubes or something. To be honest, we can’t fault people for feeling this way, because there are so many scammy SEO companies out […]

Local SEO Statistics – May 2013

You know what fuels a lot of SEO? Data. Data is the blood of the industry and good low cost SEO services are like vampires, sucking up all the data they can and using it to power their efforts moving forward. Good news for us, a local SEO industry survey just dropped, and it’s full to the brim with juicy facts and […]

Be an Artist, Not an Intellectual

This post is for everyone out there who is blogging for business or as part of a Company SEO strategy. When you give advice, are you being an artist, or an intellectual? What’s the difference? Well, as the beautiful image above states: An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple […]

Toxic SEO Techniques Poster

Toxic SEO Techniques Poster

Last week, we released a new eBook called “10 Toxic SEO Techniques.” It was one of the more ambitious projects we’ve taken on and we’re immensely proud of the results. In fact, we’re so proud that we decided to cut the whole thing up and broadcast it out to the world in a brave new format. It’s not quite an […]

5 SEO Mistakes to Fix Today

It’s that time again, another enlightening Matt Cutts video has been released, and here at Wikimotive, we’re ready to break it down with you. This one is all about the top 5 SEO mistakes that webmasters make. Now, it’s not the top 5 as far as severity of penalty, it’s the top 5 ranked by frequency, so there’s a decent […]

Slideshare is for Lovers

Content is the SEO method of choice in 2013. Spam and content spinning are way, way out, and original content that has value to the reader is in. It’s not enough to just create the content though. Even if it’s amazing and insightful, you still need to market your own content, at least a little bit, to get it off […]

Google Replaces Instant Previews

Google Replaces Instant Previews

Google is about as consistent as the seas. As soon as you think you have a hold on just where you are and what you’re doing, the tide rolls out and leaves you stranded belly-deep on the beach. Melodramatic? Yes. Do we feel bad about it? Not in the slightest. Anyway, let us here at Wikimotive tell you the latest […]

This Guy Sucks: A Magic Moment

When it comes to wannabe-writers and reading, Stephen King tells us there is a magic moment, and this is true (even for SEO writers). There is a single intoxicating instant that only readers are privy to, and it comes when you lay down the book, shake your head with wonder, and mutter: “This guy SUCKS. I Can write better than […]

eCommerce SEO Infographic

We’ve established time and time again that SEO is constantly shifting, but some industries have it harder than others. One of the more complicated kinds of sites to optimize is the ecommerce site. This is because Google would love to be the only true affiliate marketer on the web. Also, Amazon is so ubiquitous that every other ecommerce site on […]

Facebook Home Unpopular but Popular

Is Facebook too big to fail? Is there any move they could make that would truly push away the user-base at this point? On one hand, every social network before it has failed, but on the other, no other social network has ever been as large or as integrated into our everyday life as Facebook. It’s become a must have […]

In Memoriam Image SEO

In Memoriam Image SEO

The past few months have represented the quiet death of an SEO error. There was no fanfare, no mournful songs were played and no beautiful, young wives stood weeping by the casket. It was a death that had more whimper than bang. At first, we thought it was an aberration, surely it could be revived? Alas, no amount of triage […]

Internal Linking Penalties?

A lot of SEO companies, including yours truly, have been preaching about the dangers of exact match anchor text. In case you have forgotten, exact match anchor text is when you point a multitude of links at a page you’re trying to rank, and all the anchor text in those links is exactly the same. One of the major updates […]

Do Not Touch

Have you ever heard of the Amsterdam-based prog-rock band Light Light? Well, now you have. If you didn’t hear it from us, you would have heard it soon anyway, because the band has created a marketing campaign for their new single that is going viral. As we’ve said before, there is no magic spell that will make you go viral, […]