
Facebook’s New Search…Google Killer?

When it comes to Marketing with Twitter and Facebook, nothing is more important than the knowledge of how users interact with those services. Twitter hasn’t been making many major changes, but Facebook is constantly implementing new things and letting (forcing) users to deal with them. Their newest feature is an updated search called “Graph Search.”

Search Engine Market Shares

It’s time again for another month’s worth of search statistics! Which search engines came out on top at the end of 2012? We’re pretty sure you already know the winner, but the other numbers may surprise you. In fact, they may represent a shift for your Digital Marketing Company movie forward. The winner for December 2012 was, of course, Google. They came […]

Pinterest Rudiments

We haven’t talked about Pinterest on the blog for awhile, so we wanted to revisit the budding social network. Recently they’ve made some pretty major moves by cutting out fake users and allowing business accounts to authenticate themselves, and they just keep progressing into “necessary for Successful Business SEO” territory. No one outside of Google is sure exactly how much weight […]

Impact of Photos on Facebook

Marketing Using Facebook is a tricky proposition, and it can be especially frustrating when you’re trying your best and simply not getting the engagement you want. Are you sending out post after post, only to net a couple likes and the occasional comment? You aren’t alone, many companies wallow in this kind of social obscurity, but there is an easy solution […]

Reviews of the New Myspace

The new MySpace is in the testing phases as we speak. People are exploring in the wilderness of Beta-version social media, but are they liking what they find? It it something you and your Digital Marketing Company should be paying much attention to? So far, the outlook is fairly bleak. Our limited time playing with the new network showed a lot […]

Landing Pages More Important Than Ever

To say that content is king is becoming trite. People have been spitting it as dogma for so long that it’s turning into white noise. This is a dangerous thing, because quality content is becoming more valuable every day, especially on important places like landing pages. In fact, let us go over some landing page content tips so that your Business […]

Social Media in 2013!

Social Media in 2013!

Social media took some major strides in marketing importance in 2012, and that trend looks like it’s going to continue into 2013. With duplicate content and backlinks getting penalized and devalued, something has to fill the void. It appears as though the new SEO will revolve around quality content and social cues, so Marketing with Twitter and Facebook and maintaining a consistent […]

Quick Tips for Instagram

Is your business on Instagram yet? We aren’t going to say it’s a must, but it’s a pretty simple thing that can add some value to your businesses efforts when Marketing Using Facebook or Twitter. The artsy little photos are still really popular, especially among the younger crowds, so get the app and start snapping! The first things you should photograph are […]

A Look Back at 2012

A Look Back at 2012

Now that we’re getting into the near year, we here at Wikimotive wanted to take a look back at some of our favorite stories from 2012. Sure, we wrote plenty about Marketing With Twitter and Facebook and SEO in general, but there were also some more human stories that we’re pretty proud of! Here are five of our favorites from the past […]


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I don’t know how they came up with that number, but the sentiment behind it hits home for me. As a professional photographer and designer in the Business Search Engine Optimization and automotive marketing industry, I get to take a lot of interesting pictures of cars. I’ve taken some pictures that I really […]

Quoting Without Getting Flagged For Duplicate Content

Recent Google updates have made duplicate content a bigger problem than ever before. Sites that were doing well were suddenly struck down as their content was basically the same page recycled over and over. With all the fear around duplicate content, where do quotes fit in? I mean, a quote is inherently duplicate content, but quoting has value. Any Digital Marketing […]

Will Facebook Reach Critical Mass

Currently Facebook is riding high, but many people are predicting a fall. Is this because people like to see the mighty toppling to the ground, or do they actually see patterns emerging in the tea leaves? No matter what, Marketing Using Facebook is going to undergo some fundamental shifts. Let us here at Wikimotive share our theories with you.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Here we are in 2013…every January 1st you expect to be able to feel the changing of the year in your bones, and every year it’s just another day. There’s nothing magical about the calendar, there is no ancient alchemy in the progression of time, it just moves and we move with it. If you want the day to have […]

Resolution Tactics For Business

It’s Near Years resolution time. Last week we talked about creating a resolution for your business, this week I’d like to talk about how you’re going to keep that resolution. Even though these tactics aren’t specifically aimed at businesses, they’re still valuable methods to help you stay on point and keep your business plan chugging along. When it comes to Automotive […]

Wikimotive Case Study: Red Bull

Marketing with Twitter and Facebook should be less about selling a product, and more about selling your brand. Some companies don’t understand this and that’s why they believe social media isn’t valuable, because when you only use it to showcase sales, it isn’t. Other brands have a firm grasp on why people use social media and they enjoy stellar success as […]

Customer Service In Social Media

A facet of social media that is often overlooked is the role it plays in customer service. Marketing Using Facebook is one thing, but dedicating time to answering every question and comment is another layer of time and dedication that some businesses feel they can’t handle. The reality is, like it or not, customer service is moving to social media, and […]

Looking to 2013

Annnnd we’re back! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, a happy Chanukah, and/or a pleasant other seasonal holiday. Now that we’re all back to work, I figured we could ease into things by thinking about the future, namely 2013. It’s only a week away, and this is the perfect time to take a look at your strategies for […]

The World Didn’t End…So What Now?

Like Y2K and Twilight: Breaking Dawn before it, the Mayan Apocalypse has thus far failed to bring about the end of the world. The solar flares didn’t fry us, the meteor didn’t send us the way of the dinosaurs, and Cthulhu remains slumbering his ancient slumber in the abyss. This surprising survival on the part of the human race has […]

How Much Does a Hipster Weigh?

The answer, of course, is an Instagram. Listen, I’m not going to tell you that’s a great joke, simply a relevant one, because the social picture sharing and food-photo-filtering site has been making waves this week with their announcement that all your photos will soon be theirs. Everywhere, millions of voices are crying out against the image of Instagram CEOs […]