
Pinterest New Social Leader?

Everyone acknowledges that Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites, but just how relevant it is still seems to be up in the air. According to recent studies, Pinterest was behind Marketing with Twitter and Facebook as well as Google+, but a new survey is offering a different opinion on the matter.

The Messages Google Sends

You know who just won’t stop bothering Webmasters? Google. Those guys are always updating things and sending out alerts. In fact, the sultans of search send out hundreds of thousands of messages to Webmasters every single month. Until recently, we weren’t sure how these messages related to SEO for Business, but Matt Cutts just released a new video dropping some knowledge […]

Happy Valentine’s Day! (and Other Asinine Cliches)

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers out there. How many times will you read a line like that today? If you hang out on the internet for long enough (and don’t we all) the chances are you’ll see it so often you’ll puke up some of those little candy hearts (I guess they weren’t “4 EVA” after all). Still, […]

Colors in Marketing (Infographic)

Have you ever really thought about why we react to certain colors the way we do? It’s a primal response, one we’re all but helpless to resist. Colors simply evoke emotion in us, cutting straight through all of our higher functions and slamming into our lizard brains. The power of colors is only further enhanced by other design elements, and […]

Google Location Detection

Google’s newest patent will prove to be both beneficial and terrifying to users, which is just about par for the course for the search engine juggernaut. It involves tracking you wherever you go and then collating and analyzing that data for personal identification trends. Creepy? For sure. Useful for Business Search Engine Optimization and social media? You betcha.

Instagram Goes Big!

Instagram has, by design, limited its market share from the very beginning. First it was simply for apple products like the iPhone and iTouch, and then it grew to include the Android market as well (sorry Windows phone users). The main thing that separated Instagram from other social networks was that it was never available on physical computers before, at […]

Kill Your Darlings and Other Novel Advice

Blogging is the new writing medium for the masses. Some people lament the fact that anyone can go about publishing content for the world to see, but those people are probably the great-great-grandchildren of the guys who threw rocks at Gutenberg. I honestly believe that the more people writing, the better off we are. This is especially true for industries […]

Infographic on Pinterest User Interactions

Marketing on Pinterest seems to become more viable every day, and that’s no accident. Pinterest has been doing their best to compete with other social networks, looking to edge into a market full of people Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Is it truly worth your time (and your money) though, or is it just Pinterest generating hype for themselves? Let’s take […]

News Site SEO

News sites have unique concerns compared with traditional business and commercial sites. Whereas most places can post a blog or article and leave it be, news sites might have to come back to the same story three or four times as they get new information. This has caused a lot of consternation in the community, as they try and reconcile […]

Super Bowl Lessons

There are many lessons we can take from this Super Bowl this year. Important, crucial information like Beyonce has still got it, always pay your electricity bill before you have company over, and murderers can go on to do great things in life. Even more important though, are the lessons we can learn about Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Let  us […]

Google Product Listing Ad Numbers Up

When Google moved their commerce system to paid inclusion, there was a lot of fuss in the digital marketing company community. It was seen as another “evil” move by some, and felt like more of the dreaded “paid inclusion” as opposed to useful organic results.  In the end though, for all the complaining and worrying, people have been spending a lot of […]

You’re Nobody (’till Somebody Ranks You)

Here at Wikimotive, we love Using SEO for Business. We work at it all day, poring over analytics data and tweaking this or that to stay in Google’s good graces. Honestly, it never gets old. Just between you and me, when we lay our heads down at night, we have beautiful dreams of Matt Cutts. Still though, we’re not going […]

Free Facebook Signage for Your Business

The hardest part about  Marketing Using Facebook is, arguably, building a real and active following on the social network. It’s easy enough to find poor quality likes, or to pay for likes with Facebook ads, but getting quality likes organically can be a challenge.

Stumbleupon and You

Stumbleupon is one of the most interesting social media sites around, and by interesting, I mean it is a complete and total time-sink. Essentially, it’s a toolbar that has a “Stumble” button you can press that will bring you to a random page on the web based on your interests. You can also upvote and downvote pages, which is how […]

The Degradation of Value

The great part about digital marketing is that there is no shortage of advice to be found. No matter what corner of the web you land on, people are telling you how they have cracked the Google algorithm or how they can read pagerank in their Starbucks tea leaves. The only problem is that digital marketing advice, by its very […]

Bing Ads on Facebook?

Currently, the biggest problem with using Bing for SEM and SEO for Business is the lack of search volume. Sure, they came in with roughly 20 percent of the total U.S. searches by the end of last year, but Google is still dominating them, essentially getting the rest of the market share (ignoring the pittance of Yahoo, AOL, and Optimizing […]

Marketing with Facebook Infographic

How many of you have tried out the paid Facebook ads? Whether you’re looking to grow your audience, promote your posts, or just spread your brand awareness, Facebook ads can be a great tool. Obviously it’s always better to advertise organically, but that’s not always necessarily possible or effective. For instance, when you’re starting out with a brand new page, […]

Content is King, so Keep it in the Kingdom

We’ve been writing a lot about writing lately, and for a good reason. In the brave new world of content-first SEO, the ability to reliably and effectively produce unique, quality copy is becoming a valuable commodity. This can be dangerous for many marketers though, because “quality” is a subjective thing…or at least in was in the past. Today, every smart Digital […]

Blogging for Humans

We talk a lot about the importance of a blog. As Google’s updates progress, the old adage “content is king” is becoming ever more true. It’s not enough to simply have content though, that content needs to be unique to your site and valuable to the reader. In the rush to keep up with the content volume being demanded by […]

Three Things That Hurt Your Rank (That You Can Fix Today)

We’ve covered a lot of the bigger issues surrounding social media marketing and Wikimotive’s SEO for your Business, but it’s not always the bigger things that hurt you the most. Sometimes, it’s the simple stuff that comes back to bite you. Here are three things you can fix in an afternoon that may save you from slipping in the rankings.