
Google the Thunder God

Thor is a god, specifically, he’s the thunder god, super specifically, he’s the Norse god of thunder, storms, and beating the pulp out of things with his magic hammer, Mjolnir (just imagine I did the umlaut on the o). Thor is an unruly god, short on temper and long on power. When he approached, you never knew for sure if […]

YouTube Hits 1 Billion Unique Visitors…A Month!

Everyone knows YouTube is popular, but it’s easy to lose sight of just HOW popular it is. It’s become the goto video service on the web, so much so that it’s often times used synonymously with “video host” the same way people call all facial tissue Kleenex or all gelatin Jell0. This week, the service hit the incredible milestone of […]

Google ‘Think Insights’ Update

Last week, Google updated it’s Think Insights site. The site has been live since 2011, but has never received all that much attention. Instead of letting it go the way of Wave and Reader, Google unleashed a fresh new version that will be appealing to both search engine optimization companies and amateur marketers.


The hashtag has long been the domain of Twitter, but Facebook isn’t happy with the dominating social market-share they already possess, and they’re coming to eat Twitter’s lunch. The Social Network is rumored to be adding hashtags of their own to the site in the near future. We can already hear the joy emanating from search engine optimization consultants all over […]

WordPress SEO Infographic

In todays marketing world, you’re seeing less and less sites being built from scratch. There are so many  canned-sites (bad) and Content Management Systems (good) that there just isn’t a big demand for it. This isn’t to say web development is dead. There is still a HUGE need for people who can create and customize the back-end of things and […]

Some Advertising Tweets Now Illegal!

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released their newest .com disclosure guidelines, the first new release since the year 2000. It takes them a long, long time to update this document, and they never really say anything all that groundbreaking. The general message is that the same guidelines that apply to traditional advertising mediums apply to the net, so your affordable […]

Nothing but Pandas all the Way Down

There has been news of a new Panda update floating around for a few days, and now we’re finally getting some hard news. It looks like SEO agencies are in for another monumental shift, courtesy of Google and their elite team of trained Pandas.

Facebook’s Newest Round of Changes

Facebook is about to unleash it’s newest update, and now is the time for the savy small business SEO company to get into the game. SEO and social are fully intertwined now, and Facebook is so large that a Facebook overhall may as well be an SEO overhall. Check out the example of their new design after the break.

Pinterest Offering New Analytics

Successful marketing requires the ability to track and analyze and deduce, it’s what makes the industry exciting. Businesses are always clamoring for more analytics tools from the services they use, and now Pinterest is delivering an interesting new tool, sure to be a boon for any SEO company smart enough to invest in social media.

The “Go Viral Today!” Myth

Are you looking to go viral today? Do you want the magic formula, the secret spell, that alchemical reaction that will transform your tired old content into a vibrant viral rocket, blasting into the social-sphere of your target audience and sending them over the moon with purchasing-joy? Well…too bad. Buck up buttercup, because contrary to what many of the affordable SEO […]

Google Gives Live Examples of Spam

Everyone knows you shouldn’t have a spammy site, but just what the heck does “spammy” even mean? We know Google doesn’t like it, but it’s not as though the word has a hard and fast definition (at least not one pertaining to SEO). Google realizes this, and they have recently put up a new page that illustrates business SEO websites that they have […]

SEO Then and Now Infographic

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO pro or just starting out, the shifting nature of search engine optimization makes it a constant struggle to stay on top of it. It’s like walking on quicksand, every time you think you have sure footing, you find yourself suddenly up to your neck in it. There are ways to maintain a  cheap SEO service without sacrificing […]

WordPress or Blogger?

People still ask which is the better platform for creating a business blog, WordPress or Blogger. They both have their followings and their merits, but most  people who work for an actual SEO company will tell you that one is the clear winner.

Wikimotive’s Free SEO and Social Media eBook Stash!

We always loved reading free eBooks when we were learning the trade, and this year we made it a point to start releasing our own. We did the research, pulled from our own experience, grabbed  a designer, and put together some eBooks we’re really proud of. We never released them in a single place before though, so here is the […]

Keyword Research Infographic

When you’re performing your affordable search engine optimization for the first time, it’s easy to get ahead of yourself. Many people want to jump right into the fun parts like creating content and sharing on social media. When you’re first starting though, there is a crucial step that no company big or small can afford to skip: Keyword research.

Google Snippets are Going Rogue

Are you familiar with Google snippets? Basically, they are the chunk of information you see under the title of search results. They usually include the URL, a date, history, and most important, a description. In the past, you’ve been able to define your own description in the metadata of your site, so you had control over what was displayed under […]

Don’t Spin Me Right Round Baby

In the course of the daily research we do here at Wikimotive, we encounter a lot of the same questions over and over again. The pattern is pretty clear, everyone agrees on a subject and then Google performs another update and suddenly we have to reheat the same old gristle and see if it tastes any better this time around. […]

Local Needs to be on the Podium

The goal for most SEO efforts is to land on the first page of Google.  Once you’re there, it’s about the uphill battle to the top of page one. Some companies will tell you there isn’t much of a difference between positions four and five, but the fact is position four gets 50% more clicks. SEO is a game of […]

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