
Wikimotive’s Free SEO and Social Media eBook Stash!

Wikimotive’s Free SEO and Social Media eBook Stash!

We always loved reading free eBooks when we were learning the trade, and this year we made it a point to start releasing our own. We did the research, pulled from our own experience, grabbed  a designer, and put together some eBooks we’re really proud of. We never released them in a single place before though, so here is the […]

Keyword Research Infographic

Keyword Research Infographic

When you’re performing your affordable search engine optimization for the first time, it’s easy to get ahead of yourself. Many people want to jump right into the fun parts like creating content and sharing on social media. When you’re first starting though, there is a crucial step that no company big or small can afford to skip: Keyword research.

Google Snippets are Going Rogue

Google Snippets are Going Rogue

Are you familiar with Google snippets? Basically, they are the chunk of information you see under the title of search results. They usually include the URL, a date, history, and most important, a description. In the past, you’ve been able to define your own description in the metadata of your site, so you had control over what was displayed under […]

Don’t Spin Me Right Round Baby

Don’t Spin Me Right Round Baby

In the course of the daily research we do here at Wikimotive, we encounter a lot of the same questions over and over again. The pattern is pretty clear, everyone agrees on a subject and then Google performs another update and suddenly we have to reheat the same old gristle and see if it tastes any better this time around. […]

Local Needs to be on the Podium

Local Needs to be on the Podium

The goal for most SEO efforts is to land on the first page of Google.  Once you’re there, it’s about the uphill battle to the top of page one. Some companies will tell you there isn’t much of a difference between positions four and five, but the fact is position four gets 50% more clicks. SEO is a game of […]

Long Tail SEO Infographic

Long Tail SEO Infographic

Long tail keywords are becoming a very integral part of small business SEO. Essentially, long tail keywords are longer (duh!) and more specific keywords. These keywords are less common than short keywords individually, but when taken as a whole, they account for the majority of searches and search-driven traffic. There are a few large benefits to long tail keywords, and they […]

Content that Stands the Test of Time

Content that Stands the Test of Time

How do you ensure the longevity of your Business’s SEO strategy? The only solution that is truly perdurable is producing evergreen content. If you haven’t heard that term before, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Just like evergreen trees never lose all their leaves, evergreen content never loses it’s value.

Google Clarifies Impressions

Google Clarifies Impressions

Even to us SEO devotees, many of the inner machinations of Google remain a mystery, and this is exactly the way that Google likes it. They don’t want people gaming their system, so it’s necessary for them to obfuscate it to some degree. They are always giving us a little more though, because they DO want things to be optimized […]

What’s Your Blog Saying? (One Quick Trick to Find Out!)

What’s Your Blog Saying? (One Quick Trick to Find Out!)

How do you tell what your blog is about? Sure, you have ideas in your head and dreams in your heart, but it can be difficult to take a step back and look at what you REALLY are saying every day. With Facebook and Twitter Marketing, it’s easy to scroll back through your old posts and get an idea of your […]

2013 SEO Infographic

2013 SEO Infographic

People are dubbing 2013 the year of SEO for the Business consumer! What do they mean by this? It’s what we’ve been saying all along, it’s about quality content. Some SEO companies look at search engines like google as the enemy, that’s simply a ridiculous position to take. Sure, they make life harder for us digital marketers, but they are simple trying […]

Pinterest New Social Leader?

Pinterest New Social Leader?

Everyone acknowledges that Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites, but just how relevant it is still seems to be up in the air. According to recent studies, Pinterest was behind Marketing with Twitter and Facebook as well as Google+, but a new survey is offering a different opinion on the matter.

The Messages Google Sends

You know who just won’t stop bothering Webmasters? Google. Those guys are always updating things and sending out alerts. In fact, the sultans of search send out hundreds of thousands of messages to Webmasters every single month. Until recently, we weren’t sure how these messages related to SEO for Business, but Matt Cutts just released a new video dropping some knowledge […]

Happy Valentine’s Day! (and Other Asinine Cliches)

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers out there. How many times will you read a line like that today? If you hang out on the internet for long enough (and don’t we all) the chances are you’ll see it so often you’ll puke up some of those little candy hearts (I guess they weren’t “4 EVA” after all). Still, […]

Colors in Marketing (Infographic)

Colors in Marketing (Infographic)

Have you ever really thought about why we react to certain colors the way we do? It’s a primal response, one we’re all but helpless to resist. Colors simply evoke emotion in us, cutting straight through all of our higher functions and slamming into our lizard brains. The power of colors is only further enhanced by other design elements, and […]

Google Location Detection

Google’s newest patent will prove to be both beneficial and terrifying to users, which is just about par for the course for the search engine juggernaut. It involves tracking you wherever you go and then collating and analyzing that data for personal identification trends. Creepy? For sure. Useful for Business Search Engine Optimization and social media? You betcha.

Instagram Goes Big!

Instagram has, by design, limited its market share from the very beginning. First it was simply for apple products like the iPhone and iTouch, and then it grew to include the Android market as well (sorry Windows phone users). The main thing that separated Instagram from other social networks was that it was never available on physical computers before, at […]

Kill Your Darlings and Other Novel Advice

Blogging is the new writing medium for the masses. Some people lament the fact that anyone can go about publishing content for the world to see, but those people are probably the great-great-grandchildren of the guys who threw rocks at Gutenberg. I honestly believe that the more people writing, the better off we are. This is especially true for industries […]

Infographic on Pinterest User Interactions

Infographic on Pinterest User Interactions

Marketing on Pinterest seems to become more viable every day, and that’s no accident. Pinterest has been doing their best to compete with other social networks, looking to edge into a market full of people Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Is it truly worth your time (and your money) though, or is it just Pinterest generating hype for themselves? Let’s take […]