Category: Online Marketing

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

If you run a car dealership, it can be tempting to think that having a big marketing budget and paying for lots of television and radio advertisements means you’re covering all your bases. But if there’s one thing that automotive marketing companies know, it’s that any modern marketing approach would be woefully incomplete without accounting for the influence of search […]

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

Google Analytics Now Misreporting Location for iOS Users 2023 Update at the end. Brace yourself. This is the biggest change to the usefulness of Google Analytics acquisition data, in almost a decade. The last time we lost this much visibility in Google Analytics was when Google themselves started obfuscating keyword data for organic users. Over a few-year period, we went […]

Why Marketing to Women is So Important on Social Media

For the longest time, young people, specifically young men ages 12-21, were the coveted demographic for major brands. A lot of this stemmed from television and viewership, but brands also look to online services to target young men. But more recently, women have become the most important demographic for social media marketing and all forms of digital marketing, as new data shows […]

Businesses Can Now Schedule Promoted Posts

There are many different ways a business can use Facebook Ads, from multiple automated ads to boosting individual posts. But the newest form of post page engagement is by scheduling them in advance. If you use Facebook pages, you may have noticed that some of your posts that were scheduled seemed to have not gone out in the past few […]

How to Get Your Local Business Online

If you’ve recently started a business in your community, you’re probably thinking of traditional marketing strategies to help get the word out and develop a customer base. This could include emailing the local paper for coverage, buying billboard space, sponsoring events, or simply networking with other businesses and local professionals. But the most important factor you’re likely overlooking is your […]

Google Weakening Exact Match Domains

How have you been optimizing your site for Google? If you’re still ranking well after this year’s barrage of updates, you must be doing something right, because Google is notoriously tough on cheaters. For Google there is a fine line between cheating and good small business SEO. The only trouble is that their definition of “cheating” is the only one […]

Finding Inspiration For Your Blog

Blogging can be tough, especially when your marketing strategy has you posting every day. When you’re blogging for business posting every day can be extremely beneficial but writer’s block starts to become a serious problem. So how do you make sure that you’re getting regular inspiration and at the same time ensure that you’re writing about topics that are relevant […]

Wikimotive’s New eBook: Blogging For Business

Wikimotive’s New eBook: Blogging For Business

If you’re involved with the marketing aspect of your web presence, then you’ve probably heard of blogging for business. Simply put, a well executed blog can be the hub of all your internet marketing efforts. Does your business have one? If not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful and reliable methods of lead generation and SEO bolstering […]

5 Questions To Ask In Your Search For An SEO Company

Here at Wikimotive, we love educated customers. Thatʼs why we put together this list, laying out the top five questions a business should ask any prospective SEO company before hiring them. It doesnʼt cover everything, but with these five questions, you should be able to get a good overall feel and narrow down your prospective partners.

Google Cracking Down Even More On Unnatural SEO

Google announced this week that they would be making further adjustments to their algorithms, specifically with the Penguin and Panda parts of it. If you’ve been reading our blog and following our advice you should have nothing to worry about because you will already be creating good content. If not you might want to pay attention because the adjustments to […]

Using Site Search To Boost Your Sites Coversion Rate

One measurement of website success tends to get overlooked a lot in favor of other, bigger numbers like traffic and bounce rate. That measurement is conversion rate, what percentage of visitors to your website convert into a lead. One of the biggest factors when it comes to optimizing your site for higher conversion rates is usability, if users can’t successfully […]

The Pinterest Spellbook For Marketing Wizards

The Pinterest Spellbook For Marketing Wizards

If youʼre active on social media (and you better be), than recently you may have seen people on your social networks talk about Pinterest. The site is growing rapidly, already ranking above long running sites like LinkedIn. Knowing this, of course the next thing you want to know is if itʼs a good venue for automotive digital marketing. The answer […]

Don’t Just Produce, Innovate!

As marketers, weʼre always looking for the hottest new thing to get our brand in front of people. For ages, we had signage and print ads, then we progressed into the auditory realm with the radio, then it was video ads on TV, and finally, the ultimate advertisers playground: the internet. Online marketing is the fastest growing advertising area, and […]

Wikimotive Case Study:

Wikimotive Case Study:

As marketers, we need to allow ourselves to be both leaders and followers. It’s important to innovate and move forward, if you’re always playing catch-up, how can you get ahead? At the same time, we can’t disregard something just because it’s been done before; necessity demands that we embrace the successful to survive. The trick is finding a healthy balance […]

Making Sure Your Web Content Is Working For You Not Against You

In any good dealership search engine optimization campaign you need to establish your dealership as a credible industry leading source of information. This can definitely be a handful but there are a few easy guidelines you can follow to make sure that your web content is helping your case rather than hurting it. Creating great content on a regular basis […]

Google Finally Makes The Full Switch To Analytics v5

Can you believe that it’s been a year since Google announced the new Google Analytics? Before now you didn’t have to make the transition if you didn’t want to but now, a year later, Google is killing version 4 and version 5 will be the only option. The link back to “Old Version – Reporting” has been removed from the […]

Choosing The Right Domain Name

Much like naming a child, choosing a domain name for your business website can be a long and arduous journey. Its a decision that could have a huge effect on your whole online marketing strategy going forward.  The instinct is to choose the domain that’s the same as your business name, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes your business name […]

Writing Content For Your Web Site, Do’s And Don’ts

Have you ever seen a beautifully designed website, one with crisp graphics and a flowing layout, that just didn’t deliver the right information? In the rush to get a site smoothed and polished, small businesses often forget about quality writing. Someone involved hammers out some copy and up it goes. Don’t let this happen to you!

The Hard Facts About Mobile Sites

Here in the year 2012, even the most old fashioned of businesses have an online presence. Even if it’s just the equivalent of a Geocities page, people have recognized the value of having at least their basic information on a website. Now though, there’s a new browsing trend that’s growing exponentially, and businesses are again proving slow to adapt. You’d […]

Top Tips For Tweets

Social media marketing is one of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy. There are a few major players in the game, the biggest is probably Facebook, but Twitter is a close second. Some even claim Twitter is MORE important for businesses because of its ability to handle rapid fire posting and its accessibility on mobile devices. So for […]