
How to Use Guest Blogging in 2014

In January, we told you that guest blogging is a bad idea, and for the most part that is very true. The practice has evolved into a tactic used by spammers to gain links for specific keywords and becomes less and less associated with relevant blogger-to-blogger relations. This information was recently passed down by Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam […]

5 Ideas for Your New Business’s Facebook Page

Starting a Facebook page for your business seems like a simple enough task, but if you want to take social media seriously, you’ll need to realize that it’s an investment. You won’t develop an audience overnight, and you’ll have to put a little cash down to expose your business to users; however, a small amount of your time and money […]

How to Get Your Local Business Online

If you’ve recently started a business in your community, you’re probably thinking of traditional marketing strategies to help get the word out and develop a customer base. This could include emailing the local paper for coverage, buying billboard space, sponsoring events, or simply networking with other businesses and local professionals. But the most important factor you’re likely overlooking is your […]

The Best Way to Learn SEO

One of the most common questions we get asked is “What is the best way to learn SEO?” There are a few obvious places to start, I would in particular recommend the Moz blog (especially the community posts), Matt Cutt’s Google Webmaster Help videos, and (of course) the Wikimotive blog we write here daily. If you really want to get […]

Google Page Layout Algorithm Refresh

Have your rankings been a little tumultuous lately? We here at Wikimotive pay very close attention to the minute fluctuations rankings can take on even a day to day timeline, and this past week has been especially puzzling. Well, it was puzzling anyway, until an announcement from Matt Cutts today shed some light on the search engine optimization roller coaster.

Why the Facebook Fraud Video is Not Completely Accurate

The Facebook Fraud video has gone viral. If you haven’t had the chance to see it for yourself, be sure to check it out: I have been asked my opinion on the topic and thought it would be best to share my opinions on the Facebook Fraud video through a blog post. As a person who supports Facebook Advertising and […]

Grammar in Comments

It’s time for another riveting installment of Google Webmaster Help Videos featuring the always friendly and rarely illuminating Matt Cutts. In this weeks episode of the popular Google series for webmasters and SEOs, Matt Answers the following question: Should I correct the grammar on comments to my WordPress blog? Should I not approve comments with poor grammar? Will approving comments […]

Local SEO Checklist

Today I want to talk to you about an interesting local SEO checklist I found this weekend. Sure, there are lots of them out there, but this one struck me for a couple reasons, and hard enough that I felt compelled to write about it. What makes it so special? First, check it out for yourself.

Google Promises to Reduce Fake YouTube Views

 We have spoken of YouTube videos on this blog a few times in the past week, and today will be another link in the chain. Google is really focusing on their video platform these days, and it’s clear they want to drive more advertisers (and more advertiser dollars) there. They’ve expanded the offering, changed the comments to Google+ where people […]

Google Brings Big Video Results

Google is always changing, we say that darn near every day on this blog. The thing is, usually those changes are so small, or so buried on the backend of the whole shebang that the world at large doesn’t notice. It’s not often they bust out the big, forward facing guns (the carousel being the last example I can think […]

3 Valuable Things I Learned About Automotive Social Media in 3 Days

Last week, I started working for Wikimotive as a social media rep. It’s my job to maintain a dealer’s social media presence by creating great content that gets users interacting, and maintain that interaction in order to build a connection. The automotive industry is new to me; my social media experience up to this point has been general content marketing, […]

Rand Fishkin Answering Questions on Reddit

Rand Fishkin is one of those weird guys, you know what I mean? He’s not a celebrity except in one very specific niche, but within that niche he is immediately recognizable, due mainly to his patented Whiteboard Fridays. Some people love him, other people hate him (though I suspect they must just be jealous)  but pretty much everyone listens to […]

2014 SEO Industry Survey

Do you love search engine optimization? How about data? Maybe even surveys? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in luck. This week, Moz has released the results of their 2014 SEO Industry Survey. The survey covers everything from search engine optimization and search engine marketing to social media and even average salaries. This year, […]

Google Buys DeepMind

Sometimes it feels like Google is omnipotent, doesn’t it? With their huge percentage of the search engine share, they ARE omnipotent in a way. They scan the entire web, handing out rewards and brutal punishments alike, but they have always had a weakness: limited man power and an always imperfect algorithm. Sure, the algorithms get better every year, but the […]

Brilliant Ajax Social Wipes

When you think social media genius, what’s the first brand that comes to mind? A lot of people praise Taco Bell for their snarky Twitter comments, others laud the versatility and lifestyle branding of the energy drink company Red Bull. Very few people, if any, think of the cleaning solution company Ajax when they think of social success, but that’s […]

Yahoo Goes Secure—Why You Should Hate It

Yahoo is apparently sick and tired of ruling the search engine world (little sarcasm there), and who can blame them? It must be exhausting slipping in the search engines, clawing for purchase and continuing to slide year after year. To speed things along, they are now taking steps to ensure that people who run websites all over the world will […]